Retreat House


“The experience of Augustine is similar to many others in the past. For this reason, dear Augustinians, by means of modern ways of pastoral service, you can help the man of today to discover the transcendental meaning of life. You should be companions and guides towards a more personal and communitarian faith, because it is the Church that keeps alive the memory of Christ....Dear spiritual children of St. Augustine! Fulfil this important mission in the Church, while drawing from the bottomless treasure of your Great master, suggestions and proposals for a renewed pastoral action.....So that man will find his rest, the beginning and the purpose of life, as stated by St. Augustine in his Confessions (cf.I, 1, 1,), we need to look inside ourselves, free from the conditions of the outside world, paying attention to the humble voice of conscience. Here lies an enormous pastoral field that is very relevant to your charism” (St. John Paul II, Speech delivered to the Augustinian brothers gathered for the 180 General Chapter 7th September 2001)

As an answer to this calling of the Church, that we become companions of the man of today in the interior walk of faith, the Augustinian Province set up a retreat house in the convent of Rabat Gozo. The aim of this pastoral choice is to offer a place and means (retreats, live-ins, formation seminars etc…) so that man can have access to those moments where he can stop, reflect and discover anew the presence of God inside him.

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