but I ask you to heal and open my ears.
So that I can hear your voice.
you'll stop talking with love;
if you shout, you'll shout with love;
if you correct, you'll correct with love.
it has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.
It has eyes to see the misery and want.
It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of people.
This is what love looks like.
whose temples you have become.
my strength and in the name of the Lord,
I also have friends who have accepted
to follow the same ideal.
Latest updates
New Head of Secondary
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Karen Piscopo as the new Head of Secondary at St Augustine College. With a distinguished career in education and a deep commitment to the values of St. Augustine and Church School values, Ms Karen brings a positive blend of academic excellence and spiritual guidance to our Secondary community. Her dedication to nurturing both the intellectual, moral and spiritual development of our
Eucharistic Celebration at the beginning of the scholastic year
St. Augustine College kicked off the new academic year with a special Eucharist on Friday, 20th September. The entire school educational community, including students, parents, and staff from both the primary and secondary campuses, gathered at the Parish Church of Christ the King in Paola. This heartwarming celebration was filled with prayers, symbols, and reflections. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the College’s Air Scouts, Stage Crew, altar servers, Chaplaincy
Moving On Live-in
Our former Year 11s recently took part in the ‘Moving On’ live-in as they began a new chapter in their lives. The event was filled with meaningful discussions, reflection, team-building activities, moments of prayer, and plenty of fun! A perfect way to celebrate 11 years at our college and look ahead to the future.
The Feast of Saint Augustine in Valletta
A procession with the statue of Saint Augustine marked the celebration of the feast day in honour of the saint in Valletta on Sunday, September 15th. The festivities included several days of preparation with events and reflections on the life and legacy of Saint Augustine
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Augustinians Malta - Agostinjani
The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine (Augustinians) is a religious order of brothers (many of whom are ordained priests) within the Catholic Church. The Order was founded in 1256 under the Rule of Saint Augustine.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Karen Piscopo as the new Head of Secondary at St Augustine College. With a distinguished career in education and a deep commitment to the values of St. Augustine and Church School values, Ms Karen brings a positive blend of academic excellence and spiritual guidance to our Secondary community.
Her dedication to nurturing both the intellectual, moral and spiritual development of our students aligns perfectly with our mission. We are confident that under Ms Karen's leadership, our Secondary campus will continue to flourish and inspire our students to achieve greatness. Please join us in welcoming Ms Karen Piscopo to our Augustinian family and supporting her in this important role.
If we are not mistaken, for Church School sector, Ms Karen will be the first female Head for a Secondary boys school.
God bless her. We pray for her!
The College team can be found in this link
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11 CommentsComment on Facebook
Congratulations ❤️ God bless you 🎉all the best on your new journey ❤️
Congratulations and good luck dear Karen. You really deserve this post. Good luck.
Congratulation and God bless you,
Photos from Myriam Spiteri Debono's post ... See MoreSee Less
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1817 - 14th September - 2024 - With great gratitude the Maltese Augustinian Province of St Mark, celebrates the 207th anniversary of its foundation, after many more years of presence on the islands. Thank you Lord for all the religious who lived throughout the years and those who are today committed to make the most of their life and service to the Church. We humbly ask you Lord to bless us, make us holy, and grant us new vocations at your service. ... See MoreSee Less
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Congratulations. God Bles you all. Fray Willliam Micheleto, OSA Montevideo- Uruguay
God bless you and thank you for all your services in our parish 🙏🙏
Matul l-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ Lulju, il-grupp ta’ żgħażagħ Tagaste Youths ħadu sehem f’esperjenza differenti flimkien ma’ żgħażagħ oħrajn Taljani f’Cascia. Matul din il-ġimgħa Tagaste Youths ħadu sehem f’diversi attivitajiet bħal mixjiet, logħob, mument ta’ talb, diskussjonijiet, riflessjonijiet personali u mumenti oħrajn li fihom setgħu jsiru jafu żgħażagħ oħrajn li qegħdin fi gruppi agostinjani fl-Italja.
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Tagaste Youths f'Cascia flimkien ma' żgħażagħ agostinjani oħrajn
Matul l-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ Lulju, il-grupp ta’ żgħażagħ Tagaste Youths ħadu sehem f’esperjenza differenti flimkien ma’ żgħażagħ oħrajn Taljani f’Cascia. Matu...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Issa li l-esperjenza ntemmet u kulħadd qed jirritorna lura għar-rutina normali tiegħu nixtiequ nesprimu l-gratitudni tagħna għal dak kollu li għaddejna minnu fit-tlett ġimgħat f’Lulju fil-Mozambik flimkien mas-Sorijiet Agostinjani. Aħna u ġejjin lura, ilkoll konna ddispjaċuti li se nħallu tant nies u esperjenzi warajna, fl-istess ħin sodisfatti li ħidmietna ħalliet tama fil-ħajjiet ta’ dawn in-nies.
Għal iktar informazzjoni fuq l-esperjenzi missjunarji għas-sajf li ġej 2025 tista' tikkuntattja lil fr Mario Abela osa fuq 79255936 jew lil fr Terence Spiteri osa fuq [email protected] jew tidħlu fil-facebook/instagram Amigos jew Augustinian Youths.
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Mass Times
St Augustine Parish Church – Valletta
Monday – Friday | 6.00am 7.10am 9.30am 7.15pm |
Saturday | 6.00am 9.30am 7.15pm |
Sunday | 7.30am 9.30am 10.45am 7.15pm |
St Nicholas of Tolentine Church – Tarxien
Monday – Friday | 6.30am 8.30am 6.00pm |
Saturday | 6.30am 8.30am 6.30pm |
Sunday | 7.00am 8.30am 10.00am |
St Mark’s Church – Rabat
Monday – Saturday | 6.00pm |
Sunday | 10.00am |
St Martin of Tours Church – Baħrija
Monday – Friday | 6.00pm (Winter) 6.30pm (Summer) |
Saturday | 5.30pm (Winter) 6.00pm (Summer) |
Sunday | 7.00am 9.00am |
St Anthony Abbot Chapel Verdala Palace – Buskett
Saturday | 6.30pm |
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church – Paceville
Monday – Friday | 7.30am 6.30pm |
Saturday | 7.30am 6.30pm 9.00pm |
Sunday | 7.30am 9.00am 11.30am (English) |
St Rita Chapel – St Julians
Monday – Friday | 8.30am |
Saturday | 7.00pm |
Sunday | 10.00am |
St Augustine Church – Victoria Gozo
Monday – Saturday | 7.00am |
Sunday | 7.00am |