but I ask you to heal and open my ears.
So that I can hear your voice.

you'll stop talking with love;
if you shout, you'll shout with love;
if you correct, you'll correct with love.

it has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.
It has eyes to see the misery and want.
It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of people.
This is what love looks like.

whose temples you have become.

my strength and in the name of the Lord,
I also have friends who have accepted
to follow the same ideal.
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125 Years Since the Canonization of Saint Rita of Cascia in Rabat, Malta
This year, 2025 marks the 125th anniversary from the Canonization of Saint Rita. The Augustinian Community of Rabat will celebrate the Feast of Saint Rita on Saturday May 24, 2025, the day she was declared saint, with a pilgrimage through the main streets of Rabat. This pilgrimage will depart from the Church of Saint Mark at 7pm. Various other activities will take place to commemorate this anniversary. Among these activities

AMIGOS 2025 il-fuljett – Issue 01
During these days, the first issue for this year’s il-fuljett AMIGOS is being distributed. Anyone who would like a copy can send an email to amigos@agostinjani.org with their name and the address where they would like to receive the AMIGOS Issue.

Inauguration of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the Baħrija Church
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, the Baħrija community experienced a beautiful moment when, at the end of the Mass, the new Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the same church was inaugurated. Fr. Ray, who serves as Rector of this community, explained that while this moment marks a historical event—fulfilling a long-held dream of completing this sacred space—he has always seen it, from the very beginning of the idea, as an event

AMIGOS live-in
The experience of the first live-in, held between January 10, 2025, and January 12, 2025, at St Augustine College in Pietà, served as the foundation for us, the six young volunteers who will be undertaking a volunteer experience in Iquitos, Peru. This live-in, although spanning only three days, helped us get to know a bit about each other’s personalities, showcasing our talents and what each of us can offer during
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Augustinians Malta - Agostinjani
The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine (Augustinians) is a religious order of brothers (many of whom are ordained priests) within the Catholic Church. The Order was founded in 1256 under the Rule of Saint Augustine.
Inkixfu l-fdalijiet tal-ewwel knisja tal-Agostinjani fil-Belt, li nbniet fit-tieni nofs tas-seklu sittax fuq disinn tal-Perit Ġlormu Cassar. Is-sejba saret waqt proġett ta’ restawr tal-erba’ faċċati tal-kunvent u patrimonju ieħor storiku u artistiku li hemm fuq ġewwa. L-Agostinjani kienu fost l-ewwel ordnijiet reliġjużi bi preżenza fil-kapitali wara li l-Kavallieri allokawlhom kwadrat biex jibnu knisja u kunvent. ... See MoreSee Less

Jinkixfu l-fdalijiet tal-ewwel knisja tal-Agostinjani fil-Belt - TVMnews.mt
Inkixfu l-fdalijiet tal-ewwel knisja tal-Agostinjani fil-Belt.- likes 14
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Thanks for mentioning when the 1st church was built as the TVMnews piece left this no so small detail out.
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, the Baħrija community experienced a beautiful moment when, at the end of the Mass, the new Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the same church was inaugurated. Fr. Ray, who serves as Rector of this community, explained that while this moment marks a historical event—fulfilling a long-held dream of completing this sacred space—he has always seen it, from the very beginning of the idea, as an event of faith and love.
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Il-Provinċja Agostinjana Maltija tingħaqad mal-Knisja f'Malta u s-Soċjetà Maltija, u ssellem il-memorja ta' Mons. Victor Grech. Ikona tal-attenzjoni u l-għotja tal-Knisja lejn dawk l-aktar vulnerabbli partikolarment iż-żgħażagħ li jfittxu ċans ieħor fil-ħajja... Agħtih o Mulej il-premju mistħoqq għal dak li wettaq matul ħajtu.
Ritratt: Archdiocese of Malta
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Nhar is-Sibt 1 ta’ Frar 2025, il-komunita’ tal-Baħrija, għexet mument sabiħ, meta fi tmiem il-quddiesa, ġiet inawgurata l-Kappella l-ġdida tas-Santissmu Sagrament fl-istess Knisja.
Fr Ray, li jservi ta’ Rettur f’din il-komunita’ fisser li waqt minn naħa, dan il-mument huwa ġrajja ta’ storja, għax fl-aħħar wettaqna din il-ħolma li dejjem kellna li llesstu dan il-post qaddis; hu f’qalbu, sa minn meta bdejna naħdmu fuq l-ideja nfisha, minn dejjem raha bħala ġrajja ta’ fidi u mħabba.
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Well done.
Proset fr Ray Francalanza
"📸 A Look Back at Last Month’s Youth Activities! 🎉 ... See MoreSee Less

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Mass Times
St Augustine Parish Church – Valletta
Monday – Friday | 6.00am 7.10am 9.30am 7.15pm |
Saturday | 6.00am 9.30am 7.15pm |
Sunday | 7.30am 9.30am 10.45am 7.15pm |
St Nicholas of Tolentine Church – Tarxien
Monday – Friday | 6.30am 8.30am 6.00pm |
Saturday | 6.30am 8.30am 6.30pm |
Sunday | 7.00am 8.30am 10.00am |
St Mark’s Church – Rabat
Monday – Saturday | 6.00pm |
Sunday | 10.00am |
St Martin of Tours Church – Baħrija
Monday – Friday | 6.00pm (Winter) 6.30pm (Summer) |
Saturday | 5.30pm (Winter) 6.00pm (Summer) |
Sunday | 7.00am 9.00am |
St Anthony Abbot Chapel Verdala Palace – Buskett
Saturday | 6.30pm |
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church – Paceville
Monday – Friday | 7.30am 6.30pm |
Saturday | 7.30am 6.30pm 9.00pm |
Sunday | 7.30am 9.00am 11.30am (English) |
St Rita Chapel – St Julians
Monday – Friday | 8.30am |
Saturday | 7.00pm |
Sunday | 10.00am |
St Augustine Church – Victoria Gozo
Monday – Saturday | 7.00am |
Sunday | 7.00am |