Laqgħat ta' Djalogu u Kultura

Programm Ġdid fuq Radju Marija: “Kbir Int Mulej”

Programm Ġdid fuq Radju Marija: “Kbir Int Mulej” Il-Provinċja Agostinjana Maltija qegħda toffri programm ġdid fuq ir-radju, “Kbir Int Mulej”, li jistieden lis-semmiegħa jagħmlu vjaġġ fil-għerf etern ta’ L-Istqarrijiet ta’ Santu Wistin. Dan il-programm, immexxi minn Mr Marcel Zammit Marmara bill-kollaborazzjoni ta’ Fr Peter Paul Cachia OSA, Ms Maryann Muscat u Fr Franco Grech OSA, jixxandar fuq Radju Marija kull nhar ta’ Tlieta fl-4:00 PM, b’ripetizzjoni oħra nhar ta’ Ġimgħa […]

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Cultural Dialogues and Encounters

The Augustinians have always been involved in culture. For this purpose, at the Rabat Convent, in collaboration with the Augustinian Cloister Foundation, we are working on a project whereby the great cultural heritage that is found in this convent can be enjoyed by the general public through the creation of dialogues, and cultural encounters. The Valletta community, has also started a project which, by means of the Augustinian Socio-Cultural and

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