
Head ġdida fil-Kampus tas-Sekondarja

Bi pjaċir inħabbru li l-Head il-ġdida tas-Sekondarja ser tkun Ms Karen Piscopo. B’esperjenza vasta fl-edukazzjoni u impenn profond lejn il-valuri Agostinjani u dawk tal-iskejjel tal-Knisja, Ms Karen ser iġġib għarfien u għaqda pożittiva għall-komunità edukattiva tas-Sekondarja. Id-dedikazzjoni tagħha biex tgħin fl-iżvilupp intellettwali, morali u spiritwali tal-istudenti tal-kulleġġ tagħna tmur perfettament mal-ethos tal-kulleġġ. Ninsabu kunfidenti li taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Ms Karen, il-kampus tas-Sekondarja tagħna se jkompli jiffjorixxi u jispira lill-istudenti tagħna

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Ċelebrazzjoni Ewkaristika fil-bidu tas-sena skolastika

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Settembru, il-Kulleġġ Santu Wistin inġabar flimkien fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid biex jiċċelebra l-bidu tas-sena skolastika. L-iskola kollha, mill-primarja sas-sekondarja, flimkien mal-għalliema, il-ġenituri/guardians, u l-istudenti, ħadu sehem f’dan il-mument speċjali ta’ ringrazzjament lil Alla. Grazzi lill-Air Scouts tal-kulleġġ, Stage Crew, student abbatini, u Chaplaincy Teams, u diversi membri oħrajn tal-istaff, din l-Ewkaristija mimlija tifsira setgħet tkun iċċelebrata. Kien mument ta’ gratitudni, immarkat minn diversi

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Il-pass li jmiss – Live-in

Diversi żgħażagħ li kienu jattendu l-kulleġġ tagħna ħadu sehem f’live-in ‘il-pass li jmiss’ organizzat mill-Augustinian Youths hekk kif qed jibdew kapitlu ġdid fil-ħajja tagħhom. Dawn il-jiem kienu mimlijin b’diskussjonijiet, riflessjonijiet, attivitajiet ta’ team-building, mumenti ta’ talb u ħafna ferħ! Dan il-live-in kien mod sabiħ ta’ kif bħala komunità nifirħu ma’ dawn l-eks student li għal 11-il sena sħaħ irċevew l-edukazzjoni fil-kulleġġ tagħna u issa ser inkomplu nimxu magħhom fil-pass li

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Il-Festa ta’ Santu Wistin fil-Belt Valletta

Il-festa ta’ Santu Wistin fil-Belt Valletta ġiet iċċelebrata nhar il-Ħadd 15 ta’ Settembru bil-purċissjoni bl-istatwa ta’ Santu Wistin fit-toroq tal-Belt. Barra l-jiem tal-festa saru anke jiem ta’ preparazzjoni b’diversi ċelebrazzjonijiet li offrew riflessjonijiet fuq il-figura ta’ Santu Wistin.

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Komunità tal-Belt Valletta

Komunità tar-Rabat

Knisja tal-Baħrija

Komunità tal-Pietà

Komunità ta' Paceville

Komunità ta' Ħal Tarxien

Komunità tar-Rabat Għawdex

Kulleġġ Santu Wistin

Kampus tas-Sekondarja

Kampus tal-Primarja

Augustinian Youths

Tagaste Youths


Segretarjat Missjonijiet Agostinjani

Millennium Chapel

Kunvent St Rita

Augustinian Institute Malta

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Cover for Augustinians Malta - Agostinjani
Augustinians Malta - Agostinjani

Augustinians Malta - Agostinjani

The Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine (Augustinians) is a religious order of brothers (many of whom are ordained priests) within the Catholic Church. The Order was founded in 1256 under the Rule of Saint Augustine.

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Fr Mario Abela osa & Fr Terence Spiteri osa together with Amigos are offering a different summer experience for the first time in Perù (Iquitos)🇵🇪.

Contact us if you're interested!
Augustinian YouthsAre you interested in doing a missionary experience next summer?! 😃 Do you want to help people in need?! 🙏 Now it's the time! Join our group who next year will be going to Peru for a missionary experience 🇵🇪

"Service to Mankind is Service to God." Saint Theresa of Calcutta
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Fr Mario Abela osa & Fr Terence Spiteri osa together with Amigos are offering a different summer experience for the first time in Perù (Iquitos)🇵🇪.

Contact us if youre interested! 
Augustinian Youths

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We are delighted to announce the appointment of Ms Karen Piscopo as the new Head of Secondary at St Augustine College. With a distinguished career in education and a deep commitment to the values of St. Augustine and Church School values, Ms Karen brings a positive blend of academic excellence and spiritual guidance to our Secondary community.

Her dedication to nurturing both the intellectual, moral and spiritual development of our students aligns perfectly with our mission. We are confident that under Ms Karen's leadership, our Secondary campus will continue to flourish and inspire our students to achieve greatness. Please join us in welcoming Ms Karen Piscopo to our Augustinian family and supporting her in this important role.

If we are not mistaken, for Church School sector, Ms Karen will be the first female Head for a Secondary boys school.

God bless her. We pray for her!

The College team can be found in this link
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11 CommentsComment on Facebook

Congratulations ❤️ God bless you 🎉all the best on your new journey ❤️

Congratulations and good luck dear Karen. You really deserve this post. Good luck.

Congratulation and God bless you,

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Photos from Myriam Spiteri Debono's post ... See MoreSee Less

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