Tagaste Youths f’Cascia flimkien ma’ żgħażagħ agostinjani oħrajn

Matul l-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ Lulju, il-grupp ta’ żgħażagħ Tagaste Youths ħadu sehem f’esperjenza differenti flimkien ma’ żgħażagħ oħrajn Taljani f’Cascia. Matul din il-ġimgħa Tagaste Youths ħadu sehem f’diversi attivitajiet bħal mixjiet, logħob, mument ta’ talb, diskussjonijiet, riflessjonijiet personali u mumenti oħrajn li fihom setgħu jsiru jafu żgħażagħ oħrajn li qegħdin fi gruppi agostinjani fl-Italja.

Dawn huma ftit mill-esperjenzi ta’ dawn iż-żgħażagħ:

Our recent trip to Cascia was truly unforgettable! We had the opportunity to meet Italian youths and to share cultural experiences. Each day was filled with engaging activities, from exciting sports and team challenges to peaceful moments of reflection. One of the highlights was our hike to the stunning village of Roccaporena, where we were surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. Our spiritual journey was deepened by daily Mass, prayer, and moments of quiet reflection, allowing us to grow in faith together. We also had the special opportunity to visit the nuns at the monastery, explore Santa Rita’s old convent, and learn more about her inspiring life. This trip was more than just a visit; it was an experience of community, spirituality, and personal growth. We return home with full hearts, enriched by the experiences we shared, the wonderful people we met along the way and the kind guidance of Fr Leslie and Fr Terence. Cascia will always hold a special place in my heart.

James Sciberras

In just one week together, the number of new experiences are truly uncountable. We met people and made new friends, went on hikes in the mountains, saw jaw dropping views, played games and above all became closer as friends, not to mention the new survival instincts against the scorching sun. Although most of us weren’t fully on board as from the beginning of our trip, we quickly came to the realisation that it’s not just what we’re used to doing that brings joy. This adventure was also a great learning experience! Not only did we learn to work together, especially when activities required teamwork, but we also learnt a lot about St. Rita and her life, which was very interesting, and a lot more, such as the process for a Saint to be declared as such in the first place. All in all, this was truly a jaunt to remember, and I cannot wait to have similar experiences!

Daniel Bajada

The one week we spent in Cascia was unforgettable on multiple aspects. Firstly, it was the first trip of its kind that the Augustinian Youths ever had. Secondly, we had the opportunity to meet different youths from across Italy who all had one thing in common: their Augustinian faith. Thirdly, it was a week where we managed to strengthen the friendships between ourselves as a group, between God and between oneself. Despite a few initial setbacks such as a completely new environment and the language barrier, we made the most of this experience and without a doubt the trip to Cascia was adventurous as much as it was inspiring and eye opening. Throughout the week, we had activities prepared for us which ranged from social activities such as sports, to more spiritual ones where we had chance to reflect upon our lifestyle, friendships, beliefs and attitudes towards life. During the week, we also met some cloistered nuns who live in Cascia and even got the chance to speak a bit with them and even write a small message to them. This was an unforgettable experience to have the chance to meet such nuns where we could feel the presence of God amongst the silence and peaceful environment of the convent. The highlight of the trip to Cascia was surely visiting the Basilica of St. Rita where we had the chance of praying to St. Rita herself. A moment which I will always treasure was the hilly walk to Roccaporena, her place of birth and getting to see her home and hearing about her religious life. The theme of this adventure was how one could become a King; in essence, how one can spiritually grow with the help of others and by being ready to help others and in return finding God. Throughout the week, all the activities and moments of reflection centred around this theme and in doing so, as a group, we learned a lot on how helping one another makes us follow in God’s path as He too helped us not only during the trip to Cascia but also throughout our lives. All in all, this trip was a priceless experience for us all as a group. A big thank you to Fr. Leslie and Fr. Terence who were there throughout our prayers, activities, games, laughs and much more. Ci vediamo alla prossima!

Yevgeny Spiteri

Nixtieq naqsam magħkom dak li nħoss fuq din l-esperjenza mill-isbaħ li qattajt ma’ diversi patrijiet u sorijiet, persuni kkonsagrati u magħżula mill-Mulej. Ħassejt li jiena għixt din il-ġimgħa f’post ta’ talb u post qaddis, post fejn tinħass il-preżenza ta’ Alla u preżenza ta’ fidi. Xi ħaġa oħra li nnutajt hija li konna vera milqugħin minn kulħadd. Kellna rispett u imħabba liema bħalha. Din għinitni u ser inżommha quddiem għajnejja matul ħajti.  Għalkemm il-fidi u l-vokazzjoni hija mixja, żgur li l-ewwel ma tiekol hija l-għajn, u din hija l-esperjenza personali tiegħi. Ħassejtni milqugħ qisni wieħed ta’ ġewwa. Grazzi ta’ din l-esperjenza u j’Alla jkollna esperjenzi oħrajn bħal din, għaliex żgur hija esperjenza sabiħa, tkun xi tkun il-vokazzjoni għalina iż-żgħażagħ.

Jean Paul Curmi Cassar

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