Words of Wisdom

agħtuhom intom x’jieklu…lest tagħti l-ftit tiegħek?

Id-dixxipli jduru fuq Ġesu’ biex jibgħat lin-nies lura , għax rawha xi ħaġa kbira, xi ħaġa diffiċli li n-nies li kien hemm jibqgħu magħhom mingħajr ikel u post tajjeb fejn jistrieħu… Imma Ġesu’ jemmen fihom, jemmen f’dak li għandhom, fil-ftit li jistgħu joffru – agħtuhom intom x’jieklu… L-ewkaristija tħeġġiġna biex nagħmlu l-parti tagħna anke jekk hija żgħira u tista’ tidher insinifikanti…nistgħu nwasslu lil Kristu lil oħrajn…imqar b’xi ħaġa żgħira… Ipprova […]

agħtuhom intom x’jieklu…lest tagħti l-ftit tiegħek? Kompli aqra »

The Confessions

    In his Confessions, Saint Augustine reflects upon his life in the light of scripture and the presence of God. He begins with his infancy, pondering the many sins of his life before his conversion, and he confesses not only his sins but even more the greatness of God. This work presents a wonderful contrast between the Holy God who created all things and whom heaven and earth cannot

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