Korsijiet Online fuq l-Ispiritwalità Agostinjana

Il-Kummissjoni Internazzjonali tal-Lajċi tal-Ordni qed toffri korsijiet qosra fuq l-ispiritwalità Agostinjana. Dawn ser ikunu bl-ingliż u madwar 45 minuta kull sessjoni flimkien ma’ ħin għall-mistoqsijiet.

Jekk tixtieq tieħu sehem f’dawn il-mumenti ta’ formazzjoni tista’ tidħol fil-link https://zoom.us/join imbagħad iddaħħal il-Meeting ID skont il-ġurnata:

Fr Andrés González Niño, OSA, “The Confessions”, Part I.  12 ta’ Novembru 2022.

Meeting ID: 886 4391 1256

Passcode: 498831


Fr Andrés González Niño, OSA, “The Confessions”, Part II.  26 ta’ Novembru 2022.

Meeting ID: 845 0229 9013

Passcode: 077098


Fr. William Faix, OSA, “The Origin and Spread of Augustinian Lay Movement in the Order”.  10 ta’ Diċembru 2022.

Meeting ID: 835 3111 0452

Passcode: 263754


Fr. Paul Graham OSA, “The Involvement and Commitment of Augustinian Laity for the Promotion of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.” 7 ta’ Jannar 2023


Meeting ID: 876 2701 6300

Passcode: 824341


Joseph Kelly, “Communion of Life in Augustinian Spirituality for the Laity”. 21 ta’ Jannar 2023


Meeting ID: 896 7144 2832

Passcode: 835163


Fr Josef Sciberras OSA, “The Journey of Holiness in the Order.” 4 ta’ Frar 2023


Meeting ID: 890 7923 4874

Passcode: 775718


Fr Bitrus Galadima OSA, “Sacred Scripture in the Writings of Saint Augustine” 18 ta’ Frar 2023


Meeting ID: 813 9625 4125

Passcode: 784413


William O’ Connor, “Laity in the Order: Roles, Perspectives, and Challenges” 4 ta’ Marzu 2023


Meeting ID: 817 2526 0125

Passcode: 156700

Fr Joseph Farrell, “Augustinian Pastoral Ministry and the Role of the Laity” 18 ta’ Marzu 2023


Meeting ID: 840 0162 2680

Passcode: 514820


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