Day 13 – UNITY

013 - unity.pngDay 13 – UNITY

An Augustinian value for education is teaching people how to live together, is unitas, the Latin word for unity. This unity implies a respect for diversity, the way people think, and the way they act. In the desire to build unity, we need community to go beyond ourselves. Community is where the common interest is put first over individual needs. Unity with one another allows us to experience the fullness of Christ. It is collaboration and not competition.

Augustine’s Rule explains his view on unity through community: “The main purpose for you having come together is to live harmoniously in your house, intent upon God in oneness of mind and heart.” In the midst of unity lies the importance of respect for each person by being student-centered. It is important to respect each person’s individuality in order for their uniqueness to emerge. It is comprehensive by being in touch with the person’s will, intelligence, and personal development, so that learning leads to personal achievement and happiness

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