• At the beginning of the year 2014, the Maltese Augustinian Province in compliance with what had been unanimously agreed in the Ordinary Provincial chapter 2014, had held discussions with Mons Archbishop (at that time Mons Paul Cremona) and with the Curia of the Archdiocese in which the Province showed the desire to start serving pastorally in some new reality of the Diocese. Eventually, the agreement was in fact made quite quickly and in a few months, so much so that on December 6, 2014, His Excellency Mons Charles J. Scicluna - at that time Apostolic Administrator sede vacante - (today the Archbishop of Malta) had issued the Decree in which he was "entrusting the pastoral care of the Church of St. Martin, Baħrija and the surrounding areas which are in the territory of the Parish of St. Paul , Victoria, in the hands of the Reverend Father Provincial pro tempore of the Augustinian Friars and his delegates, ad nutum Ordinarii loci."
  • Fr Ray Francalanza osa - at that time Provincial - had begun his work as the first Rector on behalf of the Province on 1 January 2015. In the last two Provincial Chapters, Fr Ray was confirmed again to continue serving in this ministry. This means that as Augustinian religious we have already been serving pastorally in this locality for eight years. The population in Baħrija today has grown considerably and exceeded 2700 people spread over 560 families. Many young couples have come to live in it and this makes the place a fairly young community. During these years, great work has been done on every level to build a beautiful community both on a faith level and also on a social level. A great gift in Baħrija is the living commitment of many people who serve and give with a lot of love and generosity for the good of the whole community. Those who wish to get a taste of life in the Baħrija community, can use the fb page - Knisja Baħrija page.

November is the month in which as Augustinians remember more than usual, the need to pray for vocations.

On Monday, 14 November 2022 at 6pm, the Provincial Augustinian Lay Commission, together with the Secular Augustinian Fraternity, would like to organize a prayer meeting for vocations in the Santa Rita Chapel, St. Julians. Fr Terence Spiteri OSA, Promoter of vocations, will share with us a Biblical reflection while the brothers of the Secular Fraternity will lead the prayer.

Academic Year 2023

1st Semester (January – March 2023)

Augustinian Catechism

 De catechizandis rudibus



Friday, 13th January 2023 (6.00 – 7.30pm)

Searching and Confessing.Augustine of Hippo’s Quench for Wisdom and  Truth (Prof. Salvino Caruana OSA)


MILLENNIUM HALL (Augustinians, Millennium Chapel, Church Street, Paceville, St Julian’s)



Rev. Dr Stefan Attard SThD (Greg.)

Dean Faculty of Theology, University of Malta


Rev. Canon Dr. Jonathan Farrugia

HOD, Dept of Patrology, Church History & Paleo-Christian Archeology, Faculty of Theology, University of Malta


Friday, 20 ta’ January 2023

Opening of the academic year 2023


Eucahristic Celebration

Presided  P. Leslie Gatt OSA

Provincial – President Ist.Agost.


Introduction of the new academic year 2023

Prof. P. Salvinu Caruana OSA


Friday, 27th January 2023

Il-katekeżi ta’ S. Wistin kontra d-Donatisti

Rev. P. Desira OSA (Ist. Agost.)


Friday, 3rd February 2023

Il-katekeżi ta’ S. Wistin kontra l-Manikej

Mario Attard ofm.cap. (Ist. Agost.)


Friday, 17th February 2023

Katekeżi Nisranija għat-tfulija llum

Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana (UOM)


Friday, 24th February 2023

 Il-katekeżi ta’ S. Wistin kontra l-Pelaġjani

Andrè P. Debattista (Ist. Agost. - UOM)



Friday, 3rd March 2023

 Il-katekeżi Nisranija fil-kitbiet tal-Missirijiet tal-Knisja Griega

fis-seklu 4

Revdu Papàs Prof. Martin Zammit

Prof. tal-Ilsna u l-Kulturi tal-Lvant Nofsani, u Asjatiiċi (Fak. Arti – UOM)


Friday, 10th March 2023       

Il-katekeżi Nisranija f’xi Missirijiet tal-Knisja Griega fis-seklu 4-5

Rev. Kan. Jonathan Farrugia (Ist.Agost. - Kap tad-Dip. Fak.Teol. - UOM)


Friday, 17th March 2023

Il-katekeżi Nisranija ta’ S. Girgor ta’ Nissa

Rev. Kan. Jonathan Farrugia (Ist.Agost. - HOD. - Fak.Teol. - UOM)


Friday, 24th March 2023

Is-siwi tal-Missirijiet tal-Knisja għall-katekeżi Nisranija tal-Papa Franġisku

Revdu Mons. Prof. Hector Scerri (Ist. Agost. – Fak. Teol. - UOM)


 L-24 edizzjoni tal-Annual Saint Augustine Lecture - 2023

Kelliem: Il-Professur Dr Henry Eguiarte Bendimez OAR

   Editur tar-rivista Augustinus


The role of De Catechizandis rudibus within the process of a

Christian Initiation programme in Hippo

Wednesday, 29th March 2023 fis-7.00pm

Fis-sala KSU tal-Università ta’ Malta, tal-Qroqq Msida

Moderatur: Revdmu Monsinjur Professur Hector Scerri  


Thursday, 30th March 2023 fis-6.15pm

Fis-sala fil-Kunvent S. Rita, f’Baystreet, S. Ġiljan

 Il-Professur Henry Eguiarte Bendimez jitħadded dwar:


The “Book of Creation”. Augustine and Ecology

 Moderatur: Is-Sur Andre’ Debattista  



Ħajr minn qalbi lid-

Dekan tal-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija tal-Università ta’ Malta Revd Dr Stefan Attard SThD,

lil P. Pierre Desira OSA Ass. Dir. Ist. Agost., għall-ħidma koordinata minnu

lis-Segretarja Amministrattiva Ms Antoinette Borg

lir-Revdmu Monsinjur Professur Hector Scerri

lill-Kan. Dr Jonathan Farrugia Kap tad-Dip. tal-Patroloġija,

Fakultà tat-Teoloġija fl-Università ta’ Malta

lis-Sur André P. Debattista Lekċerer, Università ta’ Malta

u lis-Sur Mario Randon, supervisor/tekniku – Kumpless S. Rita

Wara jkun hemm riċeviment.

24th Annual Saint Augustine Lecturer - 2023


Professor Dr Henry Eguiarte Bendimez OAR, editur tal-Augustinus


 Sena Akkademika 2023

It-2 Semestru (April 2023 – Ġunju 2023)


Wistin dwar kitbietu

Ir-Ritrattazzjonijiet ta’ S. Wistin f’2 kotba

Il-Ġimgħa, 14 t’April 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Rev. Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA (Ist. Agost.)        

Daħla għar-Retractationes ta’ S. Wistin


Il-Ġimgħa, 21 t’April 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)         

 Mr Ivan Said (EU Brussels)

 Ħjiel siewi dwar it-traduzzjonijiet bl-Ilsien Malti tal-kitbiet ta’ S. Wistin


 Il-Ġimgħa, 28 t’April 2023 (6.00-7.00pm)

Rev. P. Pierre Desira OSA (Ist. Agost.)

 L-Elenku tal-kitbiet ta’ S.Wistin skont S. Possidju, isqof ta’ Kalama


Il-Ġimgħa, 5 ta’ Mejju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

 Rev. Prof. P. Salvinu Caruana OSA (Ist. Agost.)

Xi ħjiel dwar it-trattati bibliċi fir-Retractationes ta’ S Wistin


 Il-Ġimgħa, 12 ta’ Mejju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Rev. P. Desira OSA (Ist. Agost.)

Xi ħjiel dwar l-Ittri u d-Diskorsi ta’ S.Wistin


Il-Ġimgħa, 19 ta’ Mejju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Onor. Imħallef Emeritus Dottor Silvio Meli (Ist.Agost.)

It-trattati kontra l-Manikejiżmu fir-Retractationes ta’ S. Wistin


Il-Ġimgħa, 26 ta’ Mejju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Mr Andre’ DeBattista (UOM – Ist.Agost)

It-trattati kontra d-Donatiżmu fir-Retractationes ta’ S. Wistin


Il-Ġimgħa, 2 ta’ Ġunju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Rev. Dr Jonathan Farrugia (UOM – Ist.Agost.)

It-trattati kontra l-Pelaġjaniżmu fir-Retractationes ta’ S. Wistin


Il-Ġimgħa, 9 ta’ Ġunju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

 Rev. Dr Jonathan Farrugia (UOM – Ist.Agost.)

It-trattati kontra s-Semi-Pelaġjaniżmu fir-Retractiones ta’ S. Wistin


Il-Ġimgħa, 16 ta’ Ġunju 2023 (6.00 – 7.00pm)

Dr Ritienne Debono MD (Ist.Agost.)

It-trattati kontra l-Arjaniżmu fir-Retractiones ta’ S. Wistin



Il-Ġimgħa, 23 ta’ Ġunju 2023

Iqassam iċ-Ċertifikat ta’ Attendenza

Il-WR Kan. Dr Jonathan FARRUGIA

Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Ġrajja tal-Knisja,

Patroloġija, u Arkeoloġija Paleonisranija

Koordinatur tal-Kors tal-BA (Theol.& Human Studies)

Fakultà tat-Teoloġija

Università ta’ Malta

Fis-6.15pm fis-sede l-ġdida tal-Istitut Agostinjan

The preparations for next summer's experiences have already started, and we are offering these experiences for young people between 18 and 35 years old.

  • The Secretariat for Augustinian Missions (AMIGOS) is offering a 3-week missionary experience in Kenya.
  • The Augustinian Youths are offering a different experience in the form of a long walk of more than 100Km to the Cathedral of Santiago in Spain as a community.


Anyone who would like more details or knows someone interested can contact

  • Fr Mario Abela osa (Missionary Experience) – 79255936
  • Fr Terence Spiteri osa (Camino de Santiago) – 99844628/ Camino de Santiago  

A team of educators from St Augustine College, together with our College Rector Fr David Cortis osa, had the opportunity to attend a very fruitful course in Helsinki, Finland, together with educators from other European countries as part of the Erasmus+, EU’s programme. This experience was first and foremost a realization of how much our college is working within high standards, as it was noticed that some practices and methods used in Finland, are also being applied in our college. It was evident that the sense of teamwork throughout all the year groups between educators as well as the school leadership team, is one of the major keys for success. All educators work together to reach a common goal, the overall well-being of their students. The students’ academic improvement is not the main priority within these schools. Instead, activities are held in a fun way, involving lots of hands-on tasks, use of technology, sports, and other enjoyable assignments.

Through these, set goals are effectively reached. The importance of being physically active on a regular basis, throughout the day, was also something which was particularly noticed. All the Maltese team experienced this first hand during the course; this resulted in higher concentration and motivation levels. Students’ opinions and ideas are given a great deal of importance in Finnish schools; from lessons held to recreational equipment in school grounds.

All the team came back undoubtedly full of new ideas which are already being shared with the rest of the college community, with the determination to get everyone onboard and work hand in hand for one common ultimate objective: the students’ well-being. Unity is strength!


Ms Daniela Buttigieg

Primary Teacher – St Augustine College

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