During the summer various activities are held with the young people such as live-ins, BBQs, moments of prayer and other experiences that continue to help the young people in their journey of life. Daniel Bajada one of the youths would like to share his experience of the live-in that was organized at the beginning of July:

On Sunday 2 July, together with my friends, Fr Terence, Fr Leslie and Fr Mario, we went to Gozo. There we spent 3 days together in the Augustinian convent in Victoria. Every day was full of various activities which helped us get to know each other better, such as going out to the Cittadella, Ta' Pinu,  as well as the sea where we played and continued to have fun together.

Apart from these leisure activities, something that I really appreciated and that left an impact on me were the times of reflection and prayer that we spent together. We also laughed during some teamwork activities. These continued to bring us together, especially in the activity where we had to build a paper tower without being able to communicate verbally.

As we were together we also celebrated the ten years of Fr. Terence from his priestly ordination. We were lucky that as we were in the convent we went on a tour of the whole convent, where they showed us various historical objects and also took us in the shelters that are under the convent. Although it was not the first time that I went down to a shelter, I felt excited because I remembered some memories of the stories that my great-grandmother used to tell me when she lived these experiences in her childhood.

On Sunday 2 July, a group of young people were given the missionary cross and the camino shell as a sign of the beginning of their experiences in Kenya and to Santiago.

During the Eucharistic celebration in the Church of Saint Nicholas from Tolentino, Tarxien, the Provincial Fr. Leslie Gatt invited the young people to let these experiences speak to them in their lives and assured them that from Malta we will be praying for them. He also encouraged more young people to do such experiences in the future because they help them grow personally.

Augustinian Youths and AMIGOS will be leaving Malta during the month of July. From our hearts we wish them well and we assure them our prayers.

Between the 19th and the 23rd of June, a group of Augustinian friars gathered for a few days of retreat at the Good Samaritan House in Santa Venera. During these days the friars had the opportunity to stop for a while from the routine of life and live moments of silence, prayer and reflection accompanied by Mons. Charles Cordina who animated these days. Fr Charles’ reflections combined the proper values ​​of the life of the friars as consacrated persons with so many concrete examples coming from the years of pastoral experiences of the same Fr Charles in various areas of the Church in Malta.

These days were also a beautiful opportunity for the friars from different communities to come together and share the beauty of the Augustinian religious life beyond the daily commitments and everything that usually shapes the days with so much activity. The days of the retreat also provide an occasion for a wonderful and calmer experience of prayer and an opportunity of spiritual renewal. Another group of friars will take part in another retreat that will take place in Gozo later this year.

On Friday, June 23, a reunion was organized for the former students of Saint Augustine College. A good number of former students took part in a very pleasant evening held in the grounds of the College in Tal-Pieta. After a welcome from the College Rector, all those present had the opportunity to tour the College and meet particularly their ex-classmates and even several teachers. The evening continued with a short moment of prayer and a reception. The event provided a beautiful space not only for friends to meet up, but also to renew and recount so many beautiful memories of the years spent at the College.

This year The Saint Augustine College is celebrating the 175th anniversary of its foundation in 1848 as the first Church School for children in Malta, which responded to a great need that was being felt in the Maltese society of that time. Over the years thousands of students, Friars and members of Staff, formed part of this story that started in Valletta, continued for some years in Tarxien, and than in more recent years in Tal-Pieta and Marsa.

On Wednesday 7 June the Provincial Commission for the Laity organized the Festa Familja Agostinjana which has now become a long awaited annual activity by several lay people close to the Augustinian communities. In fact, around one hundred and twenty people took part in the activity, coming from the communities of Saint Nicholas in Tarxien, Saint Mark in Rabat, Santa Rita and Our Lady of Good Counsel in Saint Julians, and of Saint Augustine in Valletta.

The day on the island of Gozo started with a mass in the Church of Saint Augustine in Victoria, presided over by Bishop Giovanni Cefai MSSP who shared a few experiences of the missionary Church particularly in lands of great need. Following the mass there was a short presentation on the new adoration chapel that has just been inaugurated in the same priory. All those present then had the opportunity to visit the chapel before entering the priory for some refreshments. Later the group continued its’ day with lunch in Marsalforn. Late in the afternoon a stop was then made at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu for a short moment of prayer, after which the group continued on its way to the ferry.

These initiatives for the laity close to the Augustinian communities are moments that bring together several people who not only frequent our churches, but also support the work of the Augustinian friars in the various realities in which they serve. Above all, these are moments that help build positive relationships and strengthen the Augustinian identity.

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