On Wednesday 8 February 2017 at 5.30pm a Prayer Vigil was held at St Augustine Priory in Gozo. Some passages of Fra Grazzja Gauci OSA’s life were read out, and afterwards a painting showing Fra Grazzja was blessed, followed by a moment of adoration. The painting was painted by Manuel Farrugia. On the same day Fra Grazzja’s biography was published – a work done by Eman Bonnici. Holy paintings were distributed with a prayer written by the Bishop of Gozo Mons. Mario Grech.

As part of the 200 year Celebrations of the Maltese Augustinian Province, a new initiative was launched of Augustinian Dialogues with the Society. His Eminence Cardinal GianFranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, was invited who lectured on Il tempo e la piazza. Fede, cultura, societa. It was a magnificent reflection. The lecture was held on Tuesday 24 January at Teresa Spinelli Hall in Gzira.

A Christmas Choral concert was held on 7 December at St Mark’s Church. The St Paul Choral Society participated in this well-attended concert.  Readings from St Augustine were also read out during the wonderful evening. Afterwards mulled wine and home-made mince-pies were served in the Augustinian Cloister. This was organised by the Augustinian Cloister Foundation as part of the encounters with culture events.

This moment of prayer was held in coordination with the Archdiocese and other Christian churches.

As reported by the Church in Malta website:
Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna led a congregation of Christians from different Churches and Traditions at an Ecumenical Service during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This was held on Thursday, 19th January 2017, at St Augustine’s Parish Church, Valletta.

Migration was there, is still here and will still remain in the future. After seeing the increase in the challenges offered by the migration crisis and following 6 September 2015 Pope Francis’ appeal to welcome a family of refugees, an internal discernment process begun in the Maltese Augustinian Province on all this. Following various internal discussions and even within the Maltese Augustinian Justice and Peace Commission, it was decided to use the only available space in St Mark’s Priory in Rabat. The same space was before used as a store for outside feast decorations. The space was transformed and refurbished to accommodate and welcome a refugee family. The project was mostly financed internally and with help of other beneficiaries. An interesting aspect of this project is that the project is done in coordination with JRS Malta.

The refugee couple, from Eritrea, Coptic, were welcomed on 11 October 2016. Just the day before, while we as Augustinians were celebrating St Thomas of Villanova’s feast, the Saint of the Poor, we blessed the home to accommodate and welcome them. At the same time, the wife was given birth to her first son, Eyakiem. We opted that we will welcome them within St Mark’s Augustinian complex in Rabat instead of helping them far away in other places as this, within itself, is a statement of welcome that will leave its mark on our hearts and attitudes. This project is another way to dialogue and encounter them, to hear their fears, their hopes, their difficulties, and their joy. Surely, this will not solve the whole migration problem but it is an act of mercy and compassion, both in the Year of Mercy and also in the Bi-Centenary celebrations of the Maltese Augustinian Province.

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