I welcome you on this special day for us Augustinians when we remember our sister St. Rita who is so popular amongst our many friends and devotees.

One aspect which makes St. Rita such a popular saint is the fact that she was a woman who experienced different roles in her life and thus was close to both happiness and challenges which these bring with them. In her youth she sought what was her call from God; she experienced married life; that of a mother; a widow; and as a religious. Throughout these roles in her life she encountered difficult challenges and this is perhaps why, in so many circumstances, which we ourselves face in life, we turn to her for her intercession and we seek her intercession with God.

She lived the challenges of married life; the difficulties of a mother desiring to see her children making the best choices; the pains of seeing her husband falling victim to murder; the suffering of a woman who lost her children; she also experienced the discernment of a vocation of a religious life as an Augustinian and, in the course of the last years few years of her life, she suffered in her forehead a wound which was so close to that endured by Our Lord Jesus Christ in his passion.

In face of these realities which we attribute to St. Rita’s life, it makes more sense for us, when bearing the weight of the difficulties we encounter in our life, to understand our need to seek her intercession and to pray for her intercession with God. Rita is doubtless the person capable of understanding the trials of life but, even more, is a woman capable of facing these with the serenity that can only come from somebody who has experienced a strong faith in God. Rita exemplifies a life which is not without problems or suffering (as we ourselves normally desire and at times even expect!) but a life lived with serenity even though burdened with so many difficulties, even if at present we are limited as to what we are able to do; also if I feel alone and burdened by ill-health. Serenity stems from a conviction that God will never leave me alone. God is the one who loves me continuously.

Rita lived the last few years of her life as an Augustinian religious. It was my wish that this year, whilst we celebrate the saintly life of this our sister, in these particular circumstance, we Augustinian religious offer this day as an opportunity for spiritual enhancement and that we make use of the time to pray for mutual saintliness and for the renewal of our Augustinian family. In this context I wish to address in a special way also our sisters, the Augustinian Sisters, who lead a contemplative life and also our sisters, the Augustinian Sisters Servers of Jesus and Mary whilst I seek the intercession of St. Rita that she takes care of our religious family and blesses them with new vocations.

I would like to take this opportunity to seek St. Rita’s intercession for all those who presently are working in any way to protect us by giving their services in all walks of life. Let us remember also those who are facing a lot of suffering as a result of the present situation.

But, more than ever, I wish to salute you all our friends, devotees of St. Rita who usually frequent our churches so as to pray to the saint of the impossible and to celebrate with us the usual liturgical celebrations. This year, due to present circumstances that we are facing in our country and around the world, this is not possible. I assure you that I do feel your absence just as much as you are awaiting the moment when we will be able once again to celebrate together.

 Meanwhile, however, let us look to our saint and take courage even from a distance and in the circumstances we are living at present. Rita never gave up hope during her lifetime and even when the thorn in her forehead kept her far from her sisters in the same monastery. In those moments she grasped Jesus’ cross! A clear sign of God’s love for us. I wish today and always, especially in facing the difficulties of life, the experience God’s presence full of the happiness and serenity of heart to all those who place their hope in Him.

St. Rita intercede for us!


Fr. Leslie Gatt osa

Prior Provincial



The Malta Resuscitation Council donated an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to the Millenium Chapel.The AED was won by a group of Maltese doctors who represented Malta in the European CPR competition in Slovenia in September 2019.

This Defibrillator will be put at the Millennium Chapel within reach of any emergency in the premises or in the neighbourhood. The Millennium Chapel Foundation is grateful to the Malta Resuscitation Council for their kind donation.

Right now, our healthcare workers are on the frontline of battling the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19 that’s spreading rapidly throughout the world. They are putting themselves in the path of this virus in this unprecedented crisis. Being unable to physically meet on a weekly basis, as is usually done on a normal routine, the Augustinian Youths have teamed up together to show their support and encouragement towards healthcare workers during the current situation.  

For this reason, after a voluntary experience with the residents of Casa Leone in St. Julians, last February Augustinian Youths came up with the idea to create a video to express their appreciation and gratitude for these everyday heroes. The video (click on the below video) was sent to a number of healthcare workers currently working in Casa Leone residential home in St. Julian’s Malta to encourage them and motivate them in these difficult times.  

Once again, we thank them for their fruitful work and sacrifices they make daily. 

Edward Abela

The 22nd of May is a day which is very dear to the Augustinian family and to devotees of St. Rita, the Saint of the impossible. On that day throughout the world, especially in the small Umbrian village of Cascia, so many people fill up Augustinian churches so as to give praise to God and to seek the Saint’s intercession. She is a Saint who,  throughout her lifetime, experienced so many realities and, when facing difficulties, placed her faith and hope in God. It is this wish in the hearts of every Christian that prompts us to turn to God through her intercession.

In Malta, on the day of this Liturgical Feast, celebrations are concentrated mainly within churches, mainly in our church in Valletta and in Victoria, Gozo. It is our wish that on this feast day we bring to all also celebrations from these churches through other means; that is whilst listening to the words of our spiritual shepherds. This because, due to the particular situation we are presently experiencing, this year we have no option but to celebrate the occasion together, as far as is possible, with faith and the belief that, through the intercession of the Saint of the Impossible, we will always continue to grow in our conviction that God will never leave us alone.

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