Franco Grech osa

Reflections and Articles written by Fr Franco Grech osa

Write down three talents given to you by God. Think of how you can double these in the service of God and of His people.

33rd Sunday of the Year (A) It is not what one receives that counts, but what the receiver does with what one is gifted. Prov. 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Psalm 127; 1 Tess. 5: 1-16; Mt. 25: 14-30 Read: The parable of the talents shows that when we show the right attitude, this is rewarded by God. Those whose soul is strong need not fear the second coming of God …

Write down three talents given to you by God. Think of how you can double these in the service of God and of His people. Read More »

Pray for perseverance in the faith and in the mission entrusted to you by God.

32nd Sunday of the Year (A) Wis. 6: 12-16; Psalm 62; 1 Tess. 4: 13-18; Mt. 25: 1-13 Read: “Wisdom is bright, and does not grow dim. By those who love her she is readily seen, and found by those who look for her”. In the same way we continue to hope that: “If we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, then also God will gather with Him those …

Pray for perseverance in the faith and in the mission entrusted to you by God. Read More »

The liturgy of this feast invites us to reflect on the propositions of the blessings emanating from God.

All Saints Day Apok. 7: 2-4; 9-14; Psalm 23; 1 John 3: 1-3; Mt. 5: 1-12a Read: The sermon from the mount (the Beatitudes). People who are content. Jesus brings together in this short sermon the message he wishes to convey to us, and declares who are those who are indeed happy. A saintly life is to be found in one who lives the spirit of this message. Reflect: The …

The liturgy of this feast invites us to reflect on the propositions of the blessings emanating from God. Read More »

Love and justice should be the hallmark of all our actions

30th Sunday of the Year (A) Ex. 22: 20-26; Psalm 17; 1 Tess. 1: 5c-10; Mt. 22: 34-40 Read: The religious authorities in Jesus’ time used to try their utmost to lay a trap  for Jesus so as to get rid of him. This time they asked him a religious question concerning the law but with political implications which they could then use against him. But his answer was valid …

Love and justice should be the hallmark of all our actions Read More »

Let us pray that justice prevails in our land by starting to sow this wherever we may be.

29th Sunday of the Year (A) Is. 45: 1, 4-6; Psalm 95; 1 Tess. 1: 1-5b; Mt. 22: 15-21 Read: The hostility between Jesus and the religious authorities was growing day by day. Because of this, the Pharisees worked out between them and the Herodians how to trap Jesus and get rid of him. They tried to corner him with a question that would implicate either a question of religion …

Let us pray that justice prevails in our land by starting to sow this wherever we may be. Read More »

Today could be an opportune day for us to say a prayer of thanksgiving to God

28th Sunday of the Year (A) Is. 25: 6-10a; Psalm 22; Fil. 4: 12-14, 19-20; Mt. 22: 1-14 Read: Jesus presents salvation in the form of a wedding feast. Those invited to this wedding did not attend this feast and preferred to carry on with their life. Some even acted violently against the servants sent by the king and even killed them. In a rage the king sent his soldiers, …

Today could be an opportune day for us to say a prayer of thanksgiving to God Read More »

If Jesus, the son of the owner of the vineyard, had to come now seeking these fruits, what will he find?

27th Sunday of the Year (A) Is. 5: 1-7; Psalm 79; Fil. 4,6-9; Mt. 21: 33-43 Read: “There was a man, a landowner, who planted a vineyard; he fenced it round, dug a winepress in it and built a tower; then he leased it to tenants”. God says: “What else was there for me to attend to my vineyard which I did not do?” Reflect: You and I are one …

If Jesus, the son of the owner of the vineyard, had to come now seeking these fruits, what will he find? Read More »

In the quiet of your heart, accept that you are a sinner and that you need God’s mercy

26th Sunday of the Year (A) Ez. 18: 25-28; Psalm 24; Fil. 2,1-11; Mt. 21: 28-32 Read: What do you think? – Jesus asked – Which of the two carried out God’s will? The son who told his father that he was going to work in the vineyards and did not go, or the other son who told him that he did not want to go, but then relented and …

In the quiet of your heart, accept that you are a sinner and that you need God’s mercy Read More »

Why do you find it difficult to rejoice at the good fortune of others?

25th Sunday of the Year (A) Is. 55: 6-9; Psalm 144; Fil. 1,20c-24,27a; Mt. 20: 1-16a Read: “Are you being envious because I am generous?”. Take note of the characters and the reactions of those in the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Reflect: Why do you find it difficult to rejoice at the good fortune of others? People are jealous when they think that somebody else has possession …

Why do you find it difficult to rejoice at the good fortune of others? Read More »

Approach others with love and compassion from the heart…

24th Sunday of the Year (A) Sir. 27: 33-28,9; Psalm 102; Rom. 14: 7-9; Mt. 18: 21-35 Read: Whether we live, or we die, we belong to the Lord. Thus, hatred and anger are both to be rejected. If God shows us mercy, we ourselves are to show mercy to others, as we are told in the parable of the servant who refused to forgive. Pray: Pray for the grace …

Approach others with love and compassion from the heart… Read More »

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