
The missionary experience in Mozambique

Now that the experience is over and everyone is returning to their normal routine we would like to express our gratitude for everything we went through in July for three weeks in Mozambique together with the Augustinian Sisters. Coming back to Malta, we were all sorry to leave so many people and experiences behind us, at the same time satisfied that our work left hope in the lives of these …

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The secretariat for the Augustinian Missions is celebrating 30 years

The Maltese Augustinian Province together with the secretariat for the Augustinian Missions will celebrate a thanksgiving Eucharist on the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the secretariat in 1994. This mass will be held on Saturday 6 April at the Church of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Lampuka Street, Tarxien at 6.30pm. For the last 30 years AMIGOS has offered several young people a missionary experience, in Brazil, Mozambique and Kenya. …

The secretariat for the Augustinian Missions is celebrating 30 years Read More »

Our fruitful trip to Kenya

Our journey started 9 months before we flew to the beautiful country of Kenya. In Malta, we planned several fundraising activities to collect money for Amigos missions in Africa. We had countless meetings and a live-in throughout this time in preparation for our mission together. Soon enough it was time to fly some 2,900 miles to Kenya. Once there, it was impossible not to fall in love with Kenya. The …

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Walking to Santiago and Helping the poor in Kenya

On Sunday 2 July, a group of young people were given the missionary cross and the camino shell as a sign of the beginning of their experiences in Kenya and to Santiago. During the Eucharistic celebration in the Church of Saint Nicholas from Tolentino, Tarxien, the Provincial Fr. Leslie Gatt invited the young people to let these experiences speak to them in their lives and assured them that from Malta …

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5 youths will be doing a missionary experience during summer

This summer 5 young people together with Fr Mario Abela osa will go to Kenya to do missionary work together with the Augustinian Friars. We asked them how they found out about this experience. Thank you for this choice to spend part of the summer for others in poor countries like Kenya.   Mireille Gauci: For me this is the first experience of voluntary work that I will do. I have …

5 youths will be doing a missionary experience during summer Read More »

Initiatives by the Augustinian Missions – AMIGOS

Over two weekends, the ‘Amigos’ missionary group organizes a fundraiser event for their mission by selling Maltese Traditional Figolli during the Lent period. The Figolli were sold by volunteers, including a group of five young individuals who will be embarking on a missionary experience in Kenya next summer. This activity took place on the parvis of various churches, which warmly welcomed the group and collaborated in this initiative. Despite the …

Initiatives by the Augustinian Missions – AMIGOS Read More »

Fr. Bob Karanja OSA from Kenya thanks Segretarjat Missjonijiet Agostinjani AMIGOS for their donations during Covid-19

Greetings from Kenya. Am happy to report to you that after putting together the help you send to us through the Segretarjat Missjonijiet Agostinjani AMIGOS, and with the little we had we have been able to put Jesus words into action “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat”(Matt 25:35). Through your help we were able to feed 16 households in ishiara, 40 families in Babadogo, 50 …

Fr. Bob Karanja OSA from Kenya thanks Segretarjat Missjonijiet Agostinjani AMIGOS for their donations during Covid-19 Read More »

Pasta night at ‘Ta Soldi’ in aid of Augustinian Missions

As is the case every year, the secretariat for Augustinian Missions makes preparations for a group of youths to participate in a missionary experience in Africa. Funds are always necessary for carrying out certain projects for our brethren in need. This year’s group is already well on the way of raising the funds that are considered necessary. At Christmastime a sale of ‘Christmas Logs’ was organised. This past Friday a …

Pasta night at ‘Ta Soldi’ in aid of Augustinian Missions Read More »

AMIGOS – Mozambique 2020

On Wednesday 23rd October, at the Convent of St Thomas from Villanova in Pieta, the first meeting for young people who are interested in going on a missionary experience in Mozambique with the Amigos group next summer, was held. For this meeting, together with the members of the Board of the Secretariat for Augustinian Missions, there were 9 youths who came to understand what this mission entails. These youths work …

AMIGOS – Mozambique 2020 Read More »

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