Franco Grech osa


Reflections and Articles written by Fr Franco Grech osa



1st Sunday of Advent Year (B)

Isa. 63: 16b-17; 19b; 64: 1-7; Psalm 79; 1 Cor. 1: 3-9; Mark 13: 33-37

Read: O Lord, if only you would tear apart the heavens and come down from there! Be prepared, because you do not know when your house owner will return. God keeps His word!

Pray: Pray that never will it happen to you that God is amongst us and you do not recognise Him, that He knocks on your door and you do not hear Him.

Reflect: During this Advent time, the Church reminds us that our Lord did not appear only in a cave in Bethlehem, that He will not only come in glory at the end of time, but that He wishes to be amongst us also now. He wishes to be with us by way of the many experiences and happenings through which our life is built. He can talk to us by way of the least of the happenings around us, through life experiences of a minor nature, through the most simple person whom we may encounter. It is essential that we realise when our Lord is close by during our lifetime and speaks to us. It is important that we are on our guard!

 Act: During this time of Advent let us seek moments of silence so as to reflect in a spirit of faith, of prayer and with an open heart, so as to recognise our Lord’s invitation through our lifetime experiences and concrete circumstances.

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Year (A)

Ez. 34: 11-12, 15-17; Psalm 22; 1 Cor. 15: 20-26; Mt. 25: 31-46

Read: The Gospel depicts the Universal Judgment where Christ, as Judge, reveals to us our soul. Christ the King finally gives us the Father’s Kingdom, after He conquered death for ever. St. Mathew shows us the criteria required to enter eternal life; this is the manner in which we will have treated others.

Reflect: What thoughts and emotions are stirred up in us by the thought that the Lord Jesus will eventually come in glory to judge us? Can we live with a certain amount of apathy and indifference towards Christ’s Word and towards the needs of our brethren? Our own judgment on ourselves is done by us according to the manner in which we will have welcomed or ignored Christ in our neighbour. When Christ is shown in His glory, we are enlightened by Him, and are then able to see the choice we will have made.

Pray: Pray that, with the power of the Holy Spirit, you will recognise those persons who are in need.

Act: Seek opportunities that will enable you to attain Jesus’ expectations in your daily life.

33rd Sunday of the Year (A)

It is not what one receives that counts, but what the receiver does with what one is gifted.

Prov. 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Psalm 127; 1 Tess. 5: 1-16; Mt. 25: 14-30

Read: The parable of the talents shows that when we show the right attitude, this is rewarded by God. Those whose soul is strong need not fear the second coming of God and His Judgment.

Reflect: One might think that there is justification in the fact that those who received these were given different talents and that the same ones were not given to each one. Nonetheless, it is not what one receives that counts, but what the receiver does with what one is gifted. The Lord’s happiness and the gifts that are given to each and every one, are the same that are given to all those who doubled the talents given them. God does not recognise the number of our offerings, but looks at the quality, as also at our heart’s attitude and the goodwill with which these are offered by us.

Pray: Pray that your heart has the right attitude which pleases God.

Act: Write down three talents given to you by God. Think of how you can double these in the service of God and of His people.

32nd Sunday of the Year (A)

Wis. 6: 12-16; Psalm 62; 1 Tess. 4: 13-18; Mt. 25: 1-13

Read: “Wisdom is bright, and does not grow dim. By those who love her she is readily seen, and found by those who look for her”. In the same way we continue to hope that: “If we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, then also God will gather with Him those who died in Jesus”. In the Gospel Jesus relates the parable of the ten virgins who went out with their lamps to greet the bridegroom.

Reflect: God’s promises will reach their aim when the time comes. It is important that we have faith in His words and wait with hope, and well prepared. Many make a start on God’s road enthusiastically, but any delay on God’s part in executing His promises, is met with disappointment. Their faith’s oil finishes, and because they will not have taken with them enough reserve oil, they are left outside, so that it is only then that they realise with regret that, in fact, God had carried out His promises.  Who do we resemble: the five wise virgins with a reserve of faith, or the foolish five virgins?

Pray: Pray for perseverance in the faith and in the mission entrusted to you by God.

Act: Console somebody who presently is losing heart waiting for God to intervene in his/her life, that he may be given the healing needed.

All Saints Day

Apok. 7: 2-4; 9-14; Psalm 23; 1 John 3: 1-3; Mt. 5: 1-12a

Read: The sermon from the mount (the Beatitudes). People who are content. Jesus brings together in this short sermon the message he wishes to convey to us, and declares who are those who are indeed happy. A saintly life is to be found in one who lives the spirit of this message.

Reflect: The liturgy of this feast invites us to reflect on the propositions of the blessings emanating from God. These are propositions which the saints in heaven lived, and which the saints on earth, following their example, are encouraged to live.

Pray: Not so much as implying a real mountain, the “mountain” in the Bible refers to the space and time which we devote ourselves so as to meet up with God, and to accept His Word. Let us find this space and time, this our “mountain”, so as to meet up with God, and to let him show us that we are all called to be saints. “These are the descendants of those who seek your face, o God”.

Act: Pope Francis envisages one thousand paces towards the sainthood that each and every one of us can make during an ordinary day: “A woman goes out shopping, meets her neighbour and they start chatting. The talk is centred on others. However, this woman says in her heart: ‘No I do not wish to speak badly about anyone’. This is a step towards sainthood, Later, when she is back home, her son wishes to open his heart to her regarding his hopes and dreams for the future, and even if she feels tired, she sits down and listens patiently and with all her love. This sacrifice draws her nearer to sainthood. Later she experiences some anxiety, but she remembers the love of the Virgin Mary, picks up her Rosary beads and prays with faith. Another step towards sainthood. Then she goes out again and comes across a poor man; she stops expressing a word of courage. Another step towards sainthood.”

30th Sunday of the Year (A)

Ex. 22: 20-26; Psalm 17; 1 Tess. 1: 5c-10; Mt. 22: 34-40

Read: The religious authorities in Jesus’ time used to try their utmost to lay a trap  for Jesus so as to get rid of him. This time they asked him a religious question concerning the law but with political implications which they could then use against him. But his answer was valid both from a religious point of view as also from a civil one. The law of love is based on both divine as also human legislation.

Reflect: Jesus maintains the truth at all costs. Truth may well offend religious as well as civil authorities, but is subject to all forms of scrutiny. The more that those who were against him tried to trap him, the more Jesus showed up their hypocrisy with the truth that he used to expound. It is not surprising that they killed him. In this world, the truth remains for ever alone.

Pray: Love and justice should be the hallmark of all our actions. Let us pray for wisdom and prudence so that we maintain a balance between both.

Act: To be fearful and indifferent means that you are living a senseless life. Let us today choose to maintain the truth, and to live in accordance with the truth. Let us commit ourselves to stand up to the least of injustices that are suffered by others.

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