Franco Grech osa

Reflections and Articles written by Fr Franco Grech osa

For God we are precious, indeed much more precious than anything else in the world

12th Sunday of the Year Jr.: 10-13; Salm 68; Rom. 5: 12-15; Mt. 10: 26-33 Read: “Don’t be afraid….” We are surrounded by sin, but with God’s grace we can overcome sin. No human being will be omitted from God’s providence and love as every person is precious in the eyes of God. Pray: Faith removes fear, both from individuals as well as from the Church. Let prayer remove all …

For God we are precious, indeed much more precious than anything else in the world Read More »

Jesus gives himself wholly to us

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Dewt. 8:2-3; 14b-16a; Psalm 146; 1Corinth. 10:16-17; John 6:51-58 Read: “I am the living bread who came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever.” Reflect: Jesus gives himself wholly to us, not only as our daily nourishment, but to enable us to obtain the fullness of life. “Whoever believes that he has been fed by …

Jesus gives himself wholly to us Read More »

Like the Trinity, we too are called to be one in union with Him and with others.

The Most Holy Trinity Exodus 34:4b-6; 8-9: A God of compassion and pity. Daniel 52-56: May You be praised and exalted above everything for ever. 2 Corinth. 13:11-13: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. John 3:16-18: Gospel Read: The Gospel preaches the profound greatness of God’s love when He sent His own son into the world to save …

Like the Trinity, we too are called to be one in union with Him and with others. Read More »

The Holy Spirit is the lifeblood of both the Church and of every Christian.

Pentecost Sunday Acts 2, 1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b – 7; 12-13; John 20:19 – 23 Read: Jesus blows the Holy Spirit on the disciples. On Pentecost Sunday the Holy Spirit descends on the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire. In our baptism we too received the same Spirit which binds all of us with the Body of Christ. Pray: Pray for an increase in you of the power …

The Holy Spirit is the lifeblood of both the Church and of every Christian. Read More »

Preach the Gospel by the manner in which you live… So that your actions emerge from what you do believe.

Seventh Sunday of Easter – The Ascension of the Lord Acts 1, 1-11; Ephesians 1, 17-23; Mt. 28, 19-20 Read: The Gospel ends on a glorious note. The eleven disciples are joined happily together and with Jesus at the summit of the mountain. Jesus has power over everything and sends out the disciples to continue his mission throughout the world. “and see, I am with you always, until the end …

Preach the Gospel by the manner in which you live… So that your actions emerge from what you do believe. Read More »

Jesus puts at rest His disciples’ minds

Sixth Sunday of Easter John 14, 15-21 Read: Jesus puts at rest His disciples’ minds that, when he is no longer in this world, he will send them help, through the Paraclete so that they will not feel as though they are orphaned and abandoned. Pray: Let us allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our discernment and in our decisions. Let us be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s …

Jesus puts at rest His disciples’ minds Read More »

The disciples from Emmaus recognised Jesus when he broke bread

Luke 24, 13-35 Read: The disciples from Emmaus recognised Jesus when he broke bread. What happened at that moment exemplifies the significance of the Eucharist. Straight away we notice the wonderful nature of the Eucharist. Pray: O Lord make me always grateful for this wonderful gift given me through the Eucharist. Reflect: How central to your life is the Eucharist? At present, due to the pandemic, we are denied receiving …

The disciples from Emmaus recognised Jesus when he broke bread Read More »

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