
Fraternal visit to the Augustinians in Brazil

In these days, the Prior Provincial fr Leslie Gatt O.S.A. is visiting the Augustinian friars in Brazil. Amongst these friars there are still three Brazilian Friars who, after the establishment of the Augustinian Province of Brazil ten years ago, remained affiliated with the Province of Malta while working in the new Province of Brazil. In 1962 the Maltese Friars started the missionary work of the Maltese Augustinian Province in Brazil …

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Closure of the Intermediate Provincial Assembly 2024

The Intermediate Provincial Assembly 2024 came to an end through a celebration of the Eucharist with the participation of a good number of lay people, at the Parish Church of Saint Augustine, Valletta. The mass in which we celebrated the liturgy of the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Augustine, was presided over by the Prior Provincial Fr Leslie Gatt, while the Assistant to the Prior General Fr Javier Perez …

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Opening of the 2024 Provincial Assembly

The Provincial Assembly 2024 of the Maltese Augustinian friars opened this morning with the Celebration of the mass of the Holy Spirit and the singing of the Veni Creator at Saint Rita’s Chapel in Saint Julians. This Assembly is being Presided by the Assistant to the Prior General P. Javier Perez Barba O.S.A. who also presided over this morning’s Eucharist. Later in the morning the friars gathered in the Assembly …

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A Celebration on the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Augustine – Invitation for Everyone

From Monday 22, to Wednesday 24 April, the Augustinian Friars of the Maltese Province will gather for the Intermediate Provincial Assembly at The Santa Rita Priory in Saint Julians. The Assembly is a moment in which the friars evaluate their life and mission, particularly in the past two years, and discuss today’s challenges and the way forward. The three days of the Assembly close with a mass on Wednesday 24 …

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The secretariat for the Augustinian Missions is celebrating 30 years

The Maltese Augustinian Province together with the secretariat for the Augustinian Missions will celebrate a thanksgiving Eucharist on the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the secretariat in 1994. This mass will be held on Saturday 6 April at the Church of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Lampuka Street, Tarxien at 6.30pm. For the last 30 years AMIGOS has offered several young people a missionary experience, in Brazil, Mozambique and Kenya. …

The secretariat for the Augustinian Missions is celebrating 30 years Read More »

The Augustinian Friars gather for a moment of prayer during Lent

On Tuesday 19th March, the Augustinian friars met at The Santa Rita Priory in St. Julian’s for a moment of prayer during Lent as a preparation for the Resurrection of Jesus. Fr Ivan Scicluna ofm Cap led a reflection on the different inner voices found in us. After a short break, the brothers gathered for adoration in silence before the Sacrament. i.

Augustinian Pilgrimage

PELLEGRINAÄ Ä  AGOSTINJAN Mill-24 ta’ Lulju sal-31 ta’ Lulju, 2024 Inżuru postijiet b’rabta ma’ Santu Wistin f’Milan u f’Pavia. Filwaqt li nżuru wkoll Padova, Venezia, Treviso, Verona, Lake Como, Bergamo u aktar! L-Erbgħa 24 ta’ Lulju 2024 Niltaqgħu l-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta fl-10:15am biex naqbdu l-ajruplan tal-KM Malta Airlines KM624 li jitlaq lejn Milan fis-12:45pm. Mal-wasla tagħna nsibu l-coach tistenniena biex immorru lejn il-lukanda B&B Hotel Treviso ***, (jew simili) Treviso. …

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The Ursoline Sisters of Malta aggregated to the Augustinian Order

On December 22nd, in the Church of the Holy Family located in Tas-Sliema, a simple but significant ceremony took place in which the Decree of Aggregation was delivered to the Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of Saint Angela Merici, which bears the signature of the Augustinian Order. This decree, which bears the date of August 28, 2023, was delivered after a mass of thanksgiving to the Superior General Mother Magdalene …

The Ursoline Sisters of Malta aggregated to the Augustinian Order Read More »

Let us create space for Jesus in our hearts

We are once again celebrating another Christmas with all the preparations it brings and with everything we have lived and accumulated along another year of life. All this makes this Christmas different from previous ones while the main purpose of the celebration remains the same. In the center is the birth of the little baby Jesus: The Lord who, wanted to take the form of a man so that we …

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The Academic Year of the Augustinian Institute

Sena Akkademika 2024 (Jannar – Ä unju 2024)  L-Istqarrijiet ta’ S. Wistin u Il-Ħajja ta’ Wistin ta’  S. Possidju   Il-Ä imgħa 5 ta’ Jannar 2024 (6.00 – 7.30pm) Ftuħ tas-Sena Akkademika 2024 ÄŠelebrazzjoni tal-Ewkaristija – Presjeduta mill-WR P. Leslie Gatt OSA   Daħla fil-qosor għas-Sena Akkademika 2024 – Prof. Salvinu Caruana OSA (ViÄ‹i-Pres./Direttur Ist.Agost.)   Il-Ä imgħa 12 ta’ Jannar 2024 (6.00 – 7.00pm) Tnedija ta’ ktieb Wistin ta’ Ippona: Mixja ta’ ħajja …

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