
Rev. Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton is re-elected Prior General

During these weeks,  some one hundred Agostinian priests and brothers are engaged in discussions, within the General Chapter of the Order, regarding the Augustinian presence in the Church and the social sphere. On the 9th September the Chapter members celebrated the Eucharist of the Holy Spirit. The proceedings were as follows; the Chapter members came together in the hall where the Chapter was to be held. The scrutiny for the …

Rev. Fr. Alejandro Moral Anton is re-elected Prior General Read More »

The 186th Ordinary General Chapter of the Order of Saint Augustine

On Sunday, 1st September the Augustinian Order will open the ORDINARY GENERAL CHAPTER 2019 with a eucharistic Celebration held at the Basilica of Saint Augustine in Rome.   This will be the 186th General Chapter of the Order and will be held at the General Curia, just across St. Peter’s Square in Rome.  The Constitutions of the Order says, ” The General Chapter, which is convoked “for the purpose of …

The 186th Ordinary General Chapter of the Order of Saint Augustine Read More »

Conclusion of the Maltese Augustinian Chapter

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 27 t’ April intemm il-Kapitlu Provinċjali Ordinarju tal-patrijiet Agostinjani ta’ Malta li fih ir-reliġjużi inġabru biex jiċċelebraw u jevalwaw il-ħajja tagħhom, waqt li jippjanaw il-programm tagħhom għall-erba’ snin li ġejjin. Din il-parti tal-Kapitlu kienet preseduta mil-Assistent Ġenerali tal-Ordni, P. Luis Marin de San Martin.

Fr Rikkardu Attard OSA, 60 years Priesthood

On Friday 6 April 2018, Fr Rikkardu Attard celebrated the 60th Priesthood Anniversary. A celebration was held at St Nicholas of Tolentino, Tarxien. May God continue to bless our brethren while giving him health and courage in his ministry.     Photos: Francis Darmanin MBA MIAP MIMIS MIM BA Hons. Photography  

The Opening of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Maltese Augustinian Province

Yesterday 4th April there was the official opening of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the Augustinian friars in Malta. The day before, a moment of Prayer was held. The Chapter is the general meeting in which the religious gather to celebrate and evaluate their life while preparing their programme of pastoral life for the forthcoming four years.  The Augustinians serve the church and society in various fields in Malta and …

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Fr Leslie Gatt OSA – New Prior Provincial for the Maltese Augustinian Province

Nhar it-Tlieta, 2 ta’ Jannar 2018, Ä¡ie magħżul is-66 ProvinÄ‹jal tal-ProvinÄ‹ja Agostinjana Maltija wara li matul dawn l-aħħar tliet xhur, ir-reliÄ¡jużi agostinjani maltin, filwaqt li qiegħdin jipreparaw għall-Kapitlu ProvinÄ‹jali Ordinarju tal-ProvinÄ‹ja, waqt din l-istess preparazjoni saru żewÄ¡ votazzjonijiet biex jinħatar il-provinÄ‹jal il-Ä¡did. Dan ix-xogħol isir kull erba’ snin. Bħalissa, diversi laqgħat qiegħdin isiru bi tħejjija għal dan il-Kapitlu importanti fil-ħajja tagħna r-reliÄ¡jużi agostinjani f’Malta. Patri Leslie jieħu l-inkarigu ta’ din …

Fr Leslie Gatt OSA – New Prior Provincial for the Maltese Augustinian Province Read More »

Donation to ALS Malta

It-Tnejn 18 ta’ DiÄ‹embru 2017, il-ProvinÄ‹jal P. Raymond Francalanza osa, f’isem il-ProvinÄ‹ja kollha pprezenta s-somma ta’ Euro10,000 lil ALS Malta. Din kienet is-somma li Ä¡barna mill-komunitajiet tagħna kollha fis-sena ta’ Bi-ÄŠentinarju li temmejna f’Settembru li għadda.  Mr Bjorn Formosa li tiegħu kienet il-ħolma biex Malta jkollna dan is-servizz għal dawn il-persuni, laqa’ s-somma f’isem l-ALS Malta u appreza bil-qalb il-Ä¡est tagħna lkoll u deher kemm kien emozzjonat. Dawn huma Ä¡esti …

Donation to ALS Malta Read More »

Irma Passes Over Cuba – report by Fr Lucian Borg osa

Irma Passes Over Cuba, OSA Parish in Chambas Most Affected   (taken from The Augustinians, Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova) Hurricane Irma passed over all three Augustinian Communities/Parishes in Cuba, Cristo del Buen Viaje in Havana, Inmaculada Concepción in Chambas and San José in Puerto Padre.  The strongest part of the storm went through Chambas.

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