
50 years from the inauguration and the blessing of the Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Tarxien

The Maltese Augustinian Province is these days, thanking  the Lord on the occasion of the 50th Anninversary from the inauguration and the blessing of the Church dedicated to Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, Tarxien which took place on the 18th April 1970. It is with regret that we are celebrating so many years of service and liturgical celebrations in such circumstances when all activity in the church, as in all other …

50 years from the inauguration and the blessing of the Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Tarxien Read More »

Fi Kristu Rebbieħ it-tama tagħna

Għeżież ħbieb, Iż-żminijiet partikolari li qed ngħixu fihom, irriduÄ‹ew il-ħajja tagħna għal dak li hu minimu. Jekk ir-Randan kien dejjem joffri stedina biex ninqatgħu xi ftit mir-rutina mgħaÄ¡Ä¡la tal-ħajja u nħarsu ’l Ä¡ewwa fil-qalb tagħna, din is-sena kien mument li fiżikament, qatagħna ħafna aktar milli qatt konna nimmaÄ¡inaw. Huma Ä¡ranet li poÄ¡Ä¡ewna f’taħlita ta’ emozzjonijiet li jvarjaw minn biża’ u tensjoni għal mumenti aktar ferrieħa fil-preżenza ta’ dawk aktar għeżież …

Fi Kristu Rebbieħ it-tama tagħna Read More »

Fr Xavier Mifsud – 60 years of Ministerial Priesthood

Today, Fr Xavier Mifsud is celebrating his sixtieth anniversary of Priestly Ordination. Unfortunately, as things stand, it will not be possible to celebrate this annniversary with the brethren in the larger community but, in his Augustinian community in Rabat, Fr Xavier will be thanking the Lord for these years in the ministerial priesthood. Fr Xavier was born in Rabat in 1933 and joined the Augustinain family in 1952. After completing …

Fr Xavier Mifsud – 60 years of Ministerial Priesthood Read More »

Letter of the Prior General regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dear brothers and sisters: Throughout the world, we are currently living in a health emergency. The coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) has brought us face to face with a reality that none of us could have imagined. This may very well leave many of us confused or unsettled. Let me reflect, share my feelings, and offer you, as a brother, some guidance at this difficult time. The first is that we should …

Letter of the Prior General regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. Read More »

Graduation – Augustinian Institute

Graduation day at the end of academic year 2019-2020 at the Augustinian Institute Pietà was held on Friday, 6th March 2020. The Assistant Director of the Institute, Rev. Pierre Desira OSA, presided Mass together with Fr Mario Attard ofm cap, and Fr Constantino Borg OSA. During his homily, Fr Pierre applied aspects of Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions to the season of Lent. The Director of the Institute, Rev. Professor Salvinu Caruana …

Graduation – Augustinian Institute Read More »

Meeting for the Superiors of the English Speaking Circumscriptions of the Order of Saint Augustine

Between the 2nd and the 5th of March, our Prior Provincial fr Leslie Gatt participated in a meeting for the Superiors of the English Speaking Circumscriptions of the Order of Saint Augustine, which was held on the Campus of the Saint Augustine University in Iloilo, in the Philippines. The meeting was attended by the Prior General, the assistant generals for Africa and Oceania, and the Prior Provincials or superiors of …

Meeting for the Superiors of the English Speaking Circumscriptions of the Order of Saint Augustine Read More »

Live-in organised by the Augustinian Institute

Between Friday 28 February and Sunday 1 March 2020 28 participants of the Augustinian Institute’s 2029-2020 courses took part in a Live-In at the Qawra Palace Hotel, Qawra. On Friday at 4.30 p.m. Fr. Franco Grech OSA gave a talk on the ‘Current role of the Augustinian Laity within the Malta Augustinian Province’. So as to promote discussion, copies were circulated of the document ‘On the Way with St. Augustine’ …

Live-in organised by the Augustinian Institute Read More »

Lenten Penitential Service

On Monday 2 March, the the Provincial Commission for the Laity organised a Lenten Penitential Service. The service took place at the Chapel of St Monica’s School, Birkirkara. After the celebration of Mass, Mr Godfrey Scicluna, a member of the commission, led the penitential service. Sr. Vania Bonello, an Augustinian nun, shared a reflection on the theme “Take up your bed, and walk.” This reflection was well received. There were …

Lenten Penitential Service Read More »

Fr Provincial shares his experience after visiting Fr. Lucjan in Cuba

During the past few days I spent four days with Fr. Lucjan in Cuba. In Havana, the capital, Fr. Lucjan lives with another Spanish religious (Fr. Miguel Angel). In fact, now the entire Cuba delegation, where we have three communities, falls under the jurisdiction of the new Spanish Province. I need hardly say that they gave me a very warm welcome and it was a positive experience witnessing their work …

Fr Provincial shares his experience after visiting Fr. Lucjan in Cuba Read More »

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