
Fr. Ambrose Delia O.S.A. – 60 years of Ministerial Priesthood

Fr Ambrose Delia is today celebrating the 60th anniversary of his Priestly Ordination. Along these years Fr Ambrose assumed various responsabilities in the Province and served the faithfull with so much in dedication in various realities. Fr Ambrose was born in Zebbug in 1938 and joined the Augustinian family in 1953. After completing his studies in Malta and in Rome, he was ordained Priest on the 17th of December 1960. …

Fr. Ambrose Delia O.S.A. – 60 years of Ministerial Priesthood Read More »

The 20th anniversary of the opening of the Millennium Chapel

On Tuesday 8 December we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Millennium Chapel Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we were unable to celebrate this event in a way that befitted the occasion. However, with God’s help we managed to have the thanksgiving Mass broadcast on the Facebook page of the Millennium Chapel so that those who wished to be present, and were unable to do so, could …

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The Maltese Augustinian Province gave the new Cardinal Mario Grech the red cord which holds the pectoral cross that belonged to Cardinal Prospero Grech.

In a celebration held on Wednesday, Dcember 9 at St. John’s Co-Cathedral, the Church in Malta greeted and thanked the Lord for the gift of His Eminence Mons. Mario Grech who was created Cardinal in the consistory of November 28. The Prior Provincial Fr Leslie Gatt, represented the Maltese Province in the celebration. His Eminence Mario Grech was in fact created Cardinal just a few months after the death of …

The Maltese Augustinian Province gave the new Cardinal Mario Grech the red cord which holds the pectoral cross that belonged to Cardinal Prospero Grech. Read More »

It-Tpespisa tat-Tama – a new book with reflections by Fr. Raymond Francalanza O.S.A.

‘A Hint of Hope, Notes, groans and rushes of blood from my heart’ is a new book with reflections by Fr. Raymond Francalanza O.S.A. which will be published in the coming days. The book comprises more than 150 writings by Fr. Raymond himself in the form of reflections and prayers inspired by his ‘journey of life’, this at a time when he is celebrating the 30th anniversary of his Priestly …

It-Tpespisa tat-Tama – a new book with reflections by Fr. Raymond Francalanza O.S.A. Read More »

The Augustinian Friars gathered for a moment of prayer during advent.

On Tuesday, 8th December, feast of the Immaculate Conception, we Augustinian brethren gathered together at the Church dedicated to Our Lady of Good Counsel, Paceville for a moment of prayer during advent. The gathering started with praying the 9 o’clock morning Psalms. This was followed by some spiritual thoughts by Fr. Franco Fenech and ended with Adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and a Sacramental Blessing. This short …

The Augustinian Friars gathered for a moment of prayer during advent. Read More »

Students of St. Augustine College help families in need

Both the Primary and Secondary members of the learning community of St Augustine College, have organised a special event for Advent initiative through the Chaplaincy Teams. Students in the Primary and Secondary made a donation of foodstuffs to the Millennium Chapel run by the Augustinian Community. In this way, students were made aware of children their own age who lack basic needs in this time of year, due to their …

Students of St. Augustine College help families in need Read More »

The Augustinian Family celebrates Vocations Day

On November 13, the Feast of all the Saints of the Augustinain Family and Saint Augustine’s Birthday, the Augustinian Order celebrates Vocations Day. It is a day in which we celebrate so many religious who lived before us the call to religious Life, and have made it a journey of Christian commitment that leads to holiness. It is in this spirit that representatives of the Augustinian Friars and of the …

The Augustinian Family celebrates Vocations Day Read More »

A new Augustinian centre for youths – Augustinian Youth Space

Over the past few months, the Malta Augustinian Province, together with a group of Augustinian Youths have been working consistently putting the finishing touches to a new centre entitled Augustinian Youth Space with the aim of enhancing the Malta Augustinian Province’s pastoral mission amongst youths. Extensive work was carried out in this centre as this involved the renovation of all the facilities; a new prayer chapel; a recreational area; the …

A new Augustinian centre for youths – Augustinian Youth Space Read More »

Remembrance of the departed Augustinian brethren

On November 6, the Augustinian Family celebrates the remembrance of the departed Augustinian brethren. In preparation for this commemoration, on Thursday 5 November at 10am the Prior Provincial, together with several friars, celebrated a mass in the Chapel of the Santa Maria Addolorata Cemetery commemorating the deceased friars. In his reflection he spoke on: the beautiful memories that all these brothers have left us; the sense of gratitude that we …

Remembrance of the departed Augustinian brethren Read More »

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