Pray for perseverance in the faith and in the mission entrusted to you by God.

32nd Sunday of the Year (A)

Wis. 6: 12-16; Psalm 62; 1 Tess. 4: 13-18; Mt. 25: 1-13

Read: “Wisdom is bright, and does not grow dim. By those who love her she is readily seen, and found by those who look for her”. In the same way we continue to hope that: “If we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, then also God will gather with Him those who died in Jesus”. In the Gospel Jesus relates the parable of the ten virgins who went out with their lamps to greet the bridegroom.

Reflect: God’s promises will reach their aim when the time comes. It is important that we have faith in His words and wait with hope, and well prepared. Many make a start on God’s road enthusiastically, but any delay on God’s part in executing His promises, is met with disappointment. Their faith’s oil finishes, and because they will not have taken with them enough reserve oil, they are left outside, so that it is only then that they realise with regret that, in fact, God had carried out His promises.  Who do we resemble: the five wise virgins with a reserve of faith, or the foolish five virgins?

Pray: Pray for perseverance in the faith and in the mission entrusted to you by God.

Act: Console somebody who presently is losing heart waiting for God to intervene in his/her life, that he may be given the healing needed.

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