Awards Evening – St. Augustine College

On Thursday 14th and Friday 15th November, the College celebrated the Awards Evening for the previous scholastic year, at the Hall in the Primay Campus in Marsa. Hon. Minister Evarist Bartolo attended the Awards Evening on Thursday, together with the Director of the Secretariat for Catholic Education, Mr Ian Mifsud. Students were awarded for their academic achievements in gaining first in particular subjects and in their year groups, as well as for achieving high marks. The College believes that students who improve their attainment are also awarded, since improving once skills and viewing learning with a positive attitude is a key element in Augustinian education. Moreover, students with high appraisal points, were presented with Bronze, Silver and Gold Behaviour Awards, and special prizes awarded for students with a Community Spirit as well as those displaying aptitude towards some of the multiple intelligences.

The learning community during both evenings celebrated the artistic virtues of the students, with both the participation of the Primary and Secondary Campus choirs, the Secondary Campus band, and various drama sketches from the Drama Students of both Campuses. Students recited short literary works in the languages being taught at the College. Both Evenings were the result of a strong community spirit among the educators who worked hard as a team to provide the learners with yet another learning experience while exploiting their potential and sharing it with the guardians who entrust their sons in our care.

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