Blessed Antonio Della Torre – 24th July

Antonio was from Milan and was born of the Della Torre family around 1424. After studying, he graduated in medicine in Pavia and spent some time working as a doctor in Milan until he became acquainted with the Augustinians of the famous convent of St. Mark where he eventually asked to be accepted. He continued his formation and was ordained a priest in Milan.

He was soon sent to the convent of St. Nicholas in Foligno where he confirmed his devotion to Our Lady from whom he received many spiritual graces and thus became a promoter of devotion to her.

Then we find him organizing pilgrimages, and from Foligno he frequently goes to the Sanctuary of Loreto, stopping numerous times at Tolentino, a place already known for St. Nicholas and from which he had to pass to cross to the Adriatic Sea. In 1454 we find him in Rome near the tomb of the Apostles, and from there on to the Sanctuary of St. James of Compostella. With this travelling his fame of holiness began to grow, especially for the charity he used to perform with the sick and the downtrodden, and the medical care he used to give them, given his experience as a doctor.

In 1474 he was sent to Aquila to settle disputes in that city. Here he demonstrated his wisdom and ability in evangelization, and as a spiritual priest. With his virtues, prayers and penances came the miracles that had made him highly esteemed by the people. For eighteen years he spiritually directed the Augustinian convent of St. Lucia. In Aquila he founded the Ammantellate of St. Augustine, a union that lasted until 1809.

He died on July 24, 1494 and was buried in the church of St. Augustine in Aquila. In 1808 his exhumed body was first taken to the church of Collemaggio and then in 1838 to that of San Bernard. His cult was confirmed on July 1, 1759.

Since 1987 this Blessed’s remains have been placed in the church of the Augustinian Monastery of San Amico where he is venerated together with Blessed Christina of Aquila.

Marziano Rondina, o.s.a.

Acta SS. Iulii, V, Venezia 1738, 832-47 (riporta la “Vita” di C. Ciminelli, OSA., mss. 742 della Bibl. Angelica di Roma); PALMIERI, A., OSA., Antoine d’Aquila ou A. Turriani (della Torre), in Dict d’Hist. et de Geogr. Eccl. III, Paris 1924, 753-54; PAZZINI, A., B. A. della T., in santi nella storia della mediċina, Roma 1937, 421-27; *CIACOMINI, A. M., OSA., A. da l’Aquila, beato, in BS. II, Roma 1962 (rist. 1983), c. 149-50; RECCHIA, M., OSA., Il Beato A. della T. a Turriani. Religioso agostiniano e sacerdote. Milano 1424 – Aquila 1494, L’Aquila 1987 (2ª ed. 1994).

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