Blessed Angelo from Furci – 4th February

He was born in Furci (Abruzzo) in 1246, a son of wealthy parents who could not have children. According to the tradition as recounted in the story of his life, he was born through the intercession of St. Muchael the Archangel after his parents went on a pilgrimage to his sanctuary near Gargano. At his baptism he was given the name Angelo which he retained even when he became a religious.

His parents gave him an exemplerary education and thereafter he was entrusted to the hands of his uncle on his mother’s side who was a Benedictine abbot at Cornaclano, near Furci, and with him he made progress both in regard to his studies as well as in holiness. After his uncle’s death, Angelo returned to Furci and then, after the death of his father, he went to Vasto where, in 1266, he joined the Augustinians and, with them, he continued his studies and received his priestly ordination. At 25 years of age he was sent to study at the Sorbonne in Paris where he remained for five years. After that he returned to Italy teaching in various convents until he was sent to study at Naples where he remained until his death.

He was renown as a theologian and orator; historians also say that he wrote a commentary on St. Matthew and various sermons the presence of which remains unknown. In 1287 he was appointed Superior of the Naples Province and, thereafter, he refused appointments as Bishop of Acerra and of Melfi.

He died at Naples at St. Augustine’s Zecca convent on 6 February 1327 where he was buried. As he was already considered to be a saint during his lifetime, the people started praying for themselves before God and he started granting them graces. Thus, they started considering him amongst the patron saints of Naples and celebrating his feast day on 6 February and on 13 September. In August 1808 his remains were taken to Furci where there was already devotion to him from the people.

On 20 December 1888 il-Pope Leo XIII beatified him by approving his cult ab immemorabili.

Agostino M. Giacomini, o.s.a. (+ 1994)

Sacra Rituum Congregatione. Neapolitana seu Vasten. Confirmationis cultus ab immemorabili tempore praestiti Servo Dei Fr. Angelo a Furcio, Romae 1888; *LANZA. F., OSA., Vita del b. A. da F. Roma 1889; *PERINI, D., OSA., Il B. A. da F. Agostiniano. Note biografiche 1327-1927, Firenze 1927; DI GIOVANNI, M., Una gloriosa figura d’Abruzzo. Vita del Beato A. da F., (Chieti) 1959; The life of Blessed A. da F. (Chieti, Italy), Siena 1959.

*A. da F. Beato, in BS. I Roma 1961 (rist. 1990), c. 1238-1239.

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