
Within the Augustinian Order, one of the special missions assigned to it is that of the apostolate of education as this is a wonderful and solemn vocation.

The specific aim of the schools run by the Augustinians is the promotion of the human person based on Christian principles. This ministry is a pastoral activity where we teach the truth by means of love and where the students, in addition to a humanistic and scientific culture also learn about the world, life and on humanity enlightened by Faith.

St Augustine College

Secondary Campus

St Augustine College, Gwardamanġa Hill, Pietà
+356 21 246 613

Primary Campus

St Augustine College, Simpson Street, Marsa
+356 21 236 367

As the hymn of St. Augustine College states, the College is not the building or the structure, but the educational community of persons who share a common aim; that of helping the students to grow within them moral convictions and academic excellence. All this is motivated by the Christian values of love and care. All this makes sense in the light of the Gospel experience and the teachings of the spirit of St. Augustine, our spiritual father.

This is an educational institution that goes back to 1848, when the Augustinians opened their doors to educate small children. This was the first experience of an education accessible to all and the beginning of a long story of success in this field.

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