What is God going to ask us when we meet Him face to face?

19th Sunday of the Year (A)

1Kings 19: 9a; 11-13a; Psalm 84; Rom. 9: 1-5; Mt. 14: 22-33

Read: Jesus approaches his disciples who are at a distance, by walking on the sea. Those that were on their boat fell before Jesus saying: “Truly, you are the Son of God!”.

Reflect: Jesus asks Peter, “why were you doubtful?”. Jesus challenges Peter’s lack of faith in a difficult moment. What is God going to ask us when we meet Him face to face?

Pray: Let us pray that God enters into the innermost parts of our heart and leads us to conversion.

Act: Today is an appropriate day for you to make a declaration of faith as to who Jesus is for you. Find the time to pronounce with all your might that Jesus is the Lord and your Saviour.

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