The liturgy of this feast invites us to reflect on the propositions of the blessings emanating from God.

All Saints Day

Apok. 7: 2-4; 9-14; Psalm 23; 1 John 3: 1-3; Mt. 5: 1-12a

Read: The sermon from the mount (the Beatitudes). People who are content. Jesus brings together in this short sermon the message he wishes to convey to us, and declares who are those who are indeed happy. A saintly life is to be found in one who lives the spirit of this message.

Reflect: The liturgy of this feast invites us to reflect on the propositions of the blessings emanating from God. These are propositions which the saints in heaven lived, and which the saints on earth, following their example, are encouraged to live.

Pray: Not so much as implying a real mountain, the “mountain” in the Bible refers to the space and time which we devote ourselves so as to meet up with God, and to accept His Word. Let us find this space and time, this our “mountain”, so as to meet up with God, and to let him show us that we are all called to be saints. “These are the descendants of those who seek your face, o God”.

Act: Pope Francis envisages one thousand paces towards the sainthood that each and every one of us can make during an ordinary day: “A woman goes out shopping, meets her neighbour and they start chatting. The talk is centred on others. However, this woman says in her heart: ‘No I do not wish to speak badly about anyone’. This is a step towards sainthood, Later, when she is back home, her son wishes to open his heart to her regarding his hopes and dreams for the future, and even if she feels tired, she sits down and listens patiently and with all her love. This sacrifice draws her nearer to sainthood. Later she experiences some anxiety, but she remembers the love of the Virgin Mary, picks up her Rosary beads and prays with faith. Another step towards sainthood. Then she goes out again and comes across a poor man; she stops expressing a word of courage. Another step towards sainthood.”

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