Take heed of what the aged say! That is what the Holy Family did when they met the aged Simeon and with the aged Anna.

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Gen. 15: 1-6, 21: 1-3; Psalm 104; Heb. 11: 8, 11-12, 17-19; Luke 2: 22-40

Read: The aged Simeon said: “Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace just as you promised, because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light to enlighten the pagans and the glory of your people Israel”. The Prophetess Anna “began to give praise to God; and she spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem”.

Pray: Whilst we are patient when under trial and certain of the Lord’s promises that we are to expect with vivid hope for His help in this life and glory in eternal life.

Reflect: During this time when the elderly are suffering because of the pandemic, Gods’ Word gives us the opportunity to give them what they deserve. Simeon and the Prophetess Anna, regarding whom we read in today’s Gospel, are two models of a well-balanced old age. Simeon is described as being “an upright and good man, who was looking forward to Israel’s comforting “, shows us how we should age. He recalls God’s promises and waits with the utmost hope for these to be carried out. He feels his diminishing abilities, but still remains capable of hope. He lives in the light of God’s Word, and for this reason, although conscious that his days are nearing the end, he is not afraid of death. He is happy and prays to God that He will welcome him in His peaceful environment. Simeon rejoices when he sees and takes in his arms the Messiah. He offers Him to all the people. This moving scenario shows us the mission that all aged persons should pass on to their children and to their children’s offspring, so that this faith becomes for them the light that makes sense of everything that they encounter in life. Anna never stayed away from the temple. She knew that every day was precious and thus should be spent intimately with God and to serve the community. The aged never feel that their life is senseless if they learn to live waiting for the coming of God. They can always offer their humble services, that have value and bring happiness to others. Above everything, like Anna the Prophetess, they have a mission to talk about Jesus with those who are seeking life’s way. This is the precious legacy that they will leave for future generations.

 Act: Take heed of what the aged say! That is what the Holy Family did when they met the aged Simeon and with the aged Anna. If there is an aged person in your family, do likewise.

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