Let us use the time lent to us by God by looking for occasions when we can grow in love and our union with God and with our neighbour

3rd Sunday of the year – Year B

Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 24; 1 Cor. 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20

Read: “The time has been consummated, and God’s Kingdom has arrived; repent and believe in the Gospel”.

Reflect: In the beginning of his book, St. Mark presents Jesus as the messenger whose mission is to announce the Gospel, the good News, to the people. News which is so wonderful, that it awakens much joy in those who hear it.  There are two conditions necessary for those who hear the news to feel this joy; one needs to repent and believe. To repent does not mean having the determination to avoid sin but is, above everything else, a decision radically to change the way one looks at God, at our brethren, at the world and history. The news “God’s Kingdom has arrived”, is not a message that the time for expiation has arrived, but is good news of hope for everybody, even for the worst sinner, who God continues to consider as being like a son. To believe means that one starts seeing everything through the eyes of a God who loves, is patient, takes time to be angry, full of compassion and wishes well to all his creations. To believe means having trust in God; to have faith in His words and in His promises. God’s Kingdom has arrived; therefore, there is no time to waste: let us repent and believe in the Gospel!

Pray: Let us pray with the Psalmist: Lord, make me know your ways, teach me your paths. Make me walk in your truth, and teach me, for you are God, my Saviour.

 Act: “Time is short”. Let us use the time lent to us by God by looking for occasions when we can grow in love and our union with God and with our neighbour, whoever that may be.


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