In the quiet of your heart, accept that you are a sinner and that you need God’s mercy

26th Sunday of the Year (A)

Ez. 18: 25-28; Psalm 24; Fil. 2,1-11; Mt. 21: 28-32

Read: What do you think? – Jesus asked – Which of the two carried out God’s will? The son who told his father that he was going to work in the vineyards and did not go, or the other son who told him that he did not want to go, but then relented and went.

Reflect: The publicans and prostitutes can more readily – you members of the Church! – accept God in their life. Thus, they are likely to arrive before you in God’s Kingdom. It is only those who recognise themselves as sinners, and who accept that they need help, that will experience the joy of being saved.

Pray: Let us pray to God that we do not fall into the temptation of judging others and that we recognise that every person is greater than his/her shortcomings.

Act: In the quiet of your heart, accept that you are a sinner and that you need God’s mercy as much as, if not more, than those who, in your opinion, appear to be ‘bad’.


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