If God calls us to do something, let us humbly recognise that

21st Sunday of the Year (A)

Isaiah 22: 19-23; Psalm 137; Rom. 11: 33-36; Mt. 16: 13-20

Read: In Caesarea Philippi, Peter made a profession of faith and God gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church”.

Pray: Let us pray for a humble heart ready to accept God’s call. Let us pray for the grace that we will be faithful disciples of Jesus.

Reflect: God choses not according to our merits as humans, but in accordance with His wisdom that is beyond what humans can ever comprehend.  If God calls us to do something, let us humbly recognise that He has chosen us not because we are worthy of this, but because that is His will. To Him only be praise, glory, honour and praise.

Act: Is it easy to criticise our religious leaders, but not to appreciate all the good that they do?

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