Full of the Spirit, we cannot remain indifferent in the presence our brethren who are suffering injustices

Pentecost Sunday

Acts 2: 1-11; Psalm 103; Gal. 5:16-25; John 15: 26-27; 16: 12-15

Read: Jesus said to his disciples: “When the Advocate comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who issues from the Father, he will be my witness. And you too will be my witnesses, because you have been with me from the outset”.

Reflect: Jesus imparted in us the Spirit of power, strength and courage. If our life is a life of “what do I care”, then we are egoists.  And the Spirit cannot live in an egoistic heart and mind. To evangelise does not mean not looking where to place your feet before walking. It does not mean a lack of prudence due to being enthusiastic. Nor does it mean moaning in the presence of evil by merely saying “poor fellow” or “what a shame” and then not doing anything, or throwing the responsibility on somebody else’s shoulder.

If that is the sort of life we live, this is a sign that we have killed the Spirit in us a long time ago. Replete with the Spirit, the Apostles went out full of fortitude evangelizing everywhere that “Jesus is the Saviour!” And this is the same Spirit that we ourselves received. Therefore, we cannot live our Christianity indifferently, still as though nothing is happening around us.

Pray: O blessed light of sanctity …… soften in me my hardness, give diligence to those who are indifferent, help those who are afraid to move on.

Act: Full of the Spirit, we cannot remain indifferent in the presence our brethren who are suffering injustices; before youths with their stomach ruined by drugs and alcohol; before Christians who have become indifferent to their faith; before theft, corruption, waste of time at work, vandalism; before persons who ask for our help. All this we are bound to do with the fire of love of God in our life which the Spirit has enkindled in us.

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