Decide not to fret over such matters. God is there to take care of all that.

16th Sunday of the Year (A)

Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Psalm 85; Rom. 8: 26-27; Mt. 13: 24-43

Read: Our God is a God of compassion; strength; justice; prudence and patience. To make up for our own weakness, God’s Spirit supports us with His prayers. Jesus explains the various perfections of God by means of parables of the Kingdom.

Pray: That we embrace both the good as well as the evil that we have within us and also in others. That way we will be bring reconciliation with our own selves and with others.

Reflect: Many a time we find ourselves burdened by the evil that we recognize there is within us. Both good and evil exist within us. The evil within us annoys us and we try to eliminate this. Perhaps we want to show more compassion with our own selves; to accept ourselves as we are with both the good and the evil within us. If we do that, we will be able to present ourselves before God hoping that His grace will act as leaven that will transform us, given time. We will also hope that such grace will enable us understand better the need to judge others less.

Act: Try to overcome the fear of, or even your hatred towards, others who are different to you. Decide not to fret over such matters. God is there to take care of all that.


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