Welcome to the new Bishop for the Diocese of Gozo

The Malta Augustinian Province associates itself with the joy of the Church in Gozo in welcoming H.E. Mgr. Anton Theuma who has been nominated Bishop of the Diocese of Gozo.

Mgr. Anton Theuma, who is 56 years old and hails from Xagħra, during the last few years served the Church as the Bishop’s Delegate for the family. In fact, up to now, he is still the Director of the Instutute for the Family Pope John Paul II and is responsible for the pastoral care of the family for the area comprising the city of Victoria. In that capacity he worked greatly in the field of the pastoral care of the family, especially in the running of courses for marriage prepariation for couples and in accompanying families facing difficulties. Throughout his sacerdotal ministry he also served for ten years as rector of the Major Seminary and until now he still teaches at that Seminary.

Mgr. Anton Theuma will be the tenth bishop for the Diocese of Gozo. Amongst these was the Augustinian Bishop Mgr. Giovanni Maria Camilleri who served as bishop for more than 35 years during which time various projects were carried out in the diocese at a time when this was still in its formative years. Amongst these one should mention the start of devotions towards Our Lady of Ta’ Pinu and the sanctuary dedicated to her.

The Augustinians’ presence in Gozo goes back beyond 500 years as records for that time make reference to the Church and Convent in the capital, Victoria. For many years that convent served as the Province’s novitiate and, in more recent times, as a retreat centre as, indeed, is still the case although on a reduced scale. In recent years the Malta Augustinian Province started promoting, for possible beatification, a Gozitan Augustinian Brother, Fra. Grazzja Gauci, and in fact last year the diocese officially accepted a request for the commencement of the process of assembling material related to him and concerning his reputation as a person blessed with many virtues.

Meanwhile, the Province sent the bishop-elect a welcoming message on behalf of all Augustininas and assured him of our prayers and cooperation. In another message the Provincial thanked H.E. Mgr. Mario Grech for his mission and for always being available throughout his years of service as bishop of the Gozo Diocese.

Photos: Diocese of Gozo

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