The 186th Ordinary General Chapter of the Order of Saint Augustine

On Sunday, 1st September the Augustinian Order will open the ORDINARY GENERAL CHAPTER 2019 with a eucharistic Celebration held at the Basilica of Saint Augustine in Rome.   This will be the 186th General Chapter of the Order and will be held at the General Curia, just across St. Peter’s Square in Rome. 

The Constitutions of the Order says, ” The General Chapter, which is convoked “for the purpose of promoting of the common welfare of the friars,” is the chief event in the life of the Order, for it should offer witness to the Augustinian spirit and demonstrate clearly the unity of minds and hearts. Therefore, conscious of their serious responsibility, all chapter members should seek the common good of the Order (Const. 408).

The Ordinary Ä eneral Chapter which is held every 6 years will be participated by around hundred Augustinian Friars from more than fifthy countries where the Order is present. Malta will be represented by The Prior Provincial Fr Leslie Gatt and one of the Provincial Councellors, Fr Franco Grech.

Besides from the election of the Prior General and the
Government of the Order, the Chapter will be discussing 4 main themes: 1.) Vocation 2.) Plan of Augustinian Formation (Ratio Institutionis) 3.) Economy and Communion of Goods 4.) Structures of the Order. It will also study proposal presented for consideration during the Chapter.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, will be meeting the Chapter Friars on September 13. Archbishop Charles Scicluna will also be addressing the chapter members.

May the Holy Spirit guide and inspire them so that we may be able to continue serving the Church according to our Augustinian Charism and Spirituality.

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