Saint Augustine writes a letter to the youths

Dear youths,

My name is Augustine. Although I lived a long time ago, I am still alive through all that I wrote and left behind me.  I would like, by means of this short letter, to have a brief encounter with you telling you about my experience of life, my trials, reflections and how much the God of surprises was continuously present notwithstanding the various doubts and difficulties which I came across in my youth. This is because of my human nature and the fact of living amongst other human beings (cf Letter 78,8), and “what is my heart if not a human heart?”. (De Trinitate IV, prol. 1). Therefore, my friend, these are some scattered thoughts on my reflections which, I trust, will serve as an encouragement and hope to you throughout your lifetime.

I always sought, and my heart had, a thirst for the truth. At the same time, I did not keep all this to myself but, through my writings, I tried to share my experience as a human being by praying to God. This experience instilled in me courage in spite of the disheartening feeling I went through although God was always present in my life, even when I abandoned Him and even escaped from or ignored the warnings of my beloved mother. How often we do experience such situations!

At the same time, I know that life is a continuous change, there is always good in what we think, in the way we look at everything and this all through the experiences we go through. And in the face of all these circumstances, a beautiful image which I have so much to heart is that of a pilgrim; a person always searching and thinking that he/she has not achieved his/her aims; and always open to new experiences, to Gods’ surprises, to His presence. And without you wanting, you face the question, but what is my destination?

I encourage you heartily: “always add something; continue your journey without stopping; don’t stop half-way; don’t go back.” (Sermon 169,15,18) This stage of one’s interiority is a journey as also a meeting point. It is a journey that leads to other intimate and personal matters and also gives us space for ourselves, for others, and to be with God. This is because the vital questions and one’s fears are found in our interiority. Thus, “where are you going? Turn to your heart.” (Treatise on St. John’s Gospel, 18,10)

Is it not a fact that we raise many questions? Questions such as: Who am I? Where do I stand? Who lives in my heart? What is the scope of my life? Whence did I come? Where am I going? Is this the right path? What are the profound needs and wishes that I have for my life? What are the points of contradiction and excesses in my life? ….. and when we are asking these questions we are searching (cf Commentary on the Psalms 144,13) And all this through our interiority, where we find ourselves. There is nothing more fascinating than when one discovers his/her reality. Because, what defines a person is his/her internal world, decisions, and sentiments. Because a human being “cannot do anything externally without giving thought to what is inside him/her.” (Commentary on the Psalms 125,8)

Therefore, my friend, don’t be afraid to ask questions. These questions are not only a search for more wisdom, but for life and for love. (cf De Trinitate 15,2,2) And these are two matters that are so beautiful and close to my heart; a full life with abundant love. My friend, when we are seeking the truthy, happiness, beauty and love, we will – perhaps without realising this – be searching for God, because as I myself prayed to the merciful God: “you made us for yourself O God, and our heart will not find solace until it rests in You.” (Confessions 1,1,1) And my friend,  not only my heart but our hearts, yours and mine, because without you all others I cannot live and I cannot be saved.  And this is why friendship is so important for me and has not only a human value, but also a spiritual value and a project close to my heart. In friendship and in a community together, and by our respective means, we continue to discover what is so beautiful, and God’s surprises, in our personal lives and in our life as a community.

Friendship and love are words that are close to one another. And this word ‘love’ I have repeated so often because it is a central theme for me. I found love during my journey in the most intimate moments of my life. Because “one should not worry on anything in life except to choose what one is going to love.” (Sermon 96,1,1) Therefore “love and do what you like.” (Sermon on St. John’s First Letter, VII,8) And one’s personal development is gauged by one’s degree of how much we love and are loved. This is because love is the most powerful bond that binds human beings together and reciprocal love is the sure way leading to God.

I encourage you; continue searching. Continue to discover that which God desires of you. Continue to value love; life; the truth; wisdom; what is beautiful; liberty; happiness … Continue this lovely journey of conversion in a spirit of friendship. Continue to grow in the community. Continue to stand firm against the various separations and rifts that arise. Continue to make your contribution towards justice; peace and solidarity. Continue praying because your prayers constitute your conversion with God. Continue to let your interior silence prevail in your life. Continue to discern your call so that you will grow together with the Church by participating in its mission of service to the Kingdom. Continue placing Jesus Christ, the Mediator; the Truth; the Life; the Doctor; the Interior Guide; the Road at the centre of your life. God is He who leads and guides. Don’t look back; love the one who leads you (cf. Commentary on the Psalms 75,16) Keep looking forward.

I wish you a lot of beautiful things. When you wish that we meet again to continue this journey with the above-mentioned thoughts in mind, do not keep back but do contact me by reading my writings or through my brothers, the Augustinians.

Your friend,

Augustine of Hippo

Fr. David Cortis osa
Fr. Terence Spiteri osa

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