Fr Provincial shares his experience after visiting Fr. Lucjan in Cuba

During the past few days I spent four days with Fr. Lucjan in Cuba. In Havana, the capital, Fr. Lucjan lives with another Spanish religious (Fr. Miguel Angel). In fact, now the entire Cuba delegation, where we have three communities, falls under the jurisdiction of the new Spanish Province.

I need hardly say that they gave me a very warm welcome and it was a positive experience witnessing their work and for me to share with them these few days. The community in which they live is also a parish church and Fr. Miguel Angel is its Parish Priest. Our brother Lucjan is keeping well and his work is mainly in the academic field but he also assists with the pastoral needs of the parish.

What strikes one is the fact that the people are generally poor and are deprived of so many of the essentials of life. Nonetheless throughout the country, and even in the capital city itself where the friars live, there are beautiful buildings and tourists abound. Before the revolution the Augustinians had four communities in Havana city and, although these are no longer in our possession, the churches were returned to us.

During my stay I had various meetings with the director of the institute where our brother Lucjan teaches and also with the rector of the seminary both of whom expressed their appreciation for the contribution that he is giving there. The work in the academic field is a particular mission because although, legally, education is the prerogative of the state, as a church an institute is being created (when the situation ameliorates) which could develop into a catholic university as was the case many years back. In fact, courses which are run there are already recognised by the educational authorities in Bologna and by the Rome Congregation.

It is my wish that we retain the mission in Cuba in our prayers, especially during the coming week when you will be having your delegation assembly, so that God will continue to help them in the decisions and choices that need to be made.



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