Fr Paul Formosa OSA celebrates 50 years of Priestly Ministry

On Tuesday 20th December 2022, Fr Paul Formosa celebrated a thanksgiving mass surrounded by several Augustinian brethren and members of his Family, through which he thanked the Lord for 50 years of priestly ministry. Together with the religious brothers and his family, several other people who in one way or another are close to fr Paul, joined the congregation.

This celebration also took place on his 75th birthday. Fr Paul was actually born on the 20th December 1947. In 1964 he started his novitiate in the Augustinian Family and on the 3rd October 1965 he made his first Profession of Religious Vows. On the 29th December 1968 he then made his Solemn Profession and on the 17th December 1972 he was ordained priest with several other friars amonst whom Fr Francis Calleja OSA (who works in Palermo) and the late Fr Joe Farrugia OSA and Fr Paul Aquilina OSA.

As a religious he lived in several communities and served the Province and the Church in several ministries. Among these it is worth mentioning several years in the Community of Tarxien, in Tal-Pieta and in Rabat where he still lives today. In Tal-Pieta he worked for several years in the College both as a teacher and also as Rector. Until today fr Paul also serves as Councilor of the Province.

But amongst the experiences most close to fr Paul’s heart are certainly the 20 years of missionary work in Brasil. These were undoubtedly years that marked his life and enriched him with a wonderful experience of a church that he still cherishes to this day with a lot of nostalgia.

The Augustinian Province wishes fr Paul much more strength and joy in the Lord. Thank you Fr Paul. Ad Multos Annos.

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