Formation meeting for the Augustinian friars

On Wednesday, January 26, the Augustinian friars gathered for a formation meeting, at which, the results of a questionnaire completed by the friars some months ago were presented.  This exercise forms part of the preparation for the Ordinary Provincial Chapter to be held next March and April.

The meeting, which took place at Saint Augustine College, Pietà, began with the prayers of the vespers. The Prior Provincial, Fr. Leslie Gatt then presented various points which emerged from the answers to the questionnaire and even shared some ideas in this regard. He emphasized the fact that the questionnaire was first and foremost an exercise intended to provoke reflection at the beginning of the preparation for the 2022 Ordinary Provincial Chapter. The questionnaire itself offered another space for everyone to express their thoughts and share what he feels important with the brethren. The questions provided both a reflection of appreciation for all that we are and have, and even a look at what we need to work on more. This sharing is in itself an experience of communion.

The meeting also served as an opening to the Visit of Renewal that the Prior Provincial will be holding in the different communities of the Province in the coming weeks before the Chapter. Your prayers during this journey towards the Provincial Chapter would be greatly appreciated.

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