Feast of Saint Rita

The 22nd of May is a day which is very dear to the Augustinian family and to devotees of St. Rita, the Saint of the impossible. On that day throughout the world, especially in the small Umbrian village of Cascia, so many people fill up Augustinian churches so as to give praise to God and to seek the Saint’s intercession. She is a Saint who,  throughout her lifetime, experienced so many realities and, when facing difficulties, placed her faith and hope in God. It is this wish in the hearts of every Christian that prompts us to turn to God through her intercession.

In Malta, on the day of this Liturgical Feast, celebrations are concentrated mainly within churches, mainly in our church in Valletta and in Victoria, Gozo. It is our wish that on this feast day we bring to all also celebrations from these churches through other means; that is whilst listening to the words of our spiritual shepherds. This because, due to the particular situation we are presently experiencing, this year we have no option but to celebrate the occasion together, as far as is possible, with faith and the belief that, through the intercession of the Saint of the Impossible, we will always continue to grow in our conviction that God will never leave us alone.

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