Easter Message from our Prior Provincial

May We Leave Christ Astonish Us!

After two years of restrictions that have deprived us from the celebrations of the Holy Week in our churches, we are once again celebrating together as a community of faith the Mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. . Although we cannot say that we are free from the thought of the pandemic or from any limitations on the gestures that bring us closer together, we have a great opportunity to share the joy and hope of Easter with greater vigor. After all, as Christians we all know that it is here that we find the true meaning of our life!

A few days ago we had the grace to welcome among us His Holiness Pope Francis. In his presence we observe a continuous transmission of Christian hope. He had moments when he seemed physically limited, and at times he seemed even tired, but his presence and smile still conveyed joy, hope, and disponibility to the mission that the Lord is asking from him. These are qualities that derive from a strong experience of faith that culminates in the depths of the gospel.

In his reflection during the celebration in front of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of  Ta Pinu (2nd April 2022), the Pope spoke of ‘the hour of Jesus’ death’ but he also spoke of the first disciples who, ‘when they saw the empty tomb, without delay, and with their heart beating rapidly, rushed to bring the good news of the Resurrection. ‘At this moment,  quoting the words of the Pope, ‘The weeping of sorrow, at the foot of the cross, has changed into the joy of the announcement. The same Pope also reminds us of the Apostles, of whom it is written: “…every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus” (Acts 5:42)… the only concern that moved them was how they would proclaim and bear witness to the gospel of Christ (see Rom. 1: 1).’

In the spirit of these first disciples, and with the still vivid image of Pope Francis – sometimes tired but determined – bearing witness to Christ in our streets, I would like to wish each and every one of us holy celebrations. May we live intensely this powerful experience of sstanding under the cross looking forward to the resurrection, so that the celebration of the resurrection will fill us with renued enthusiasm and enlighten us in trough the challenges of life. This is the true Christian attitude we should have! Let’s not hesitate to “Let him astonish us.” And commit ourselves to “welcome with joy His renewed news.” (Closing of the Homily of Pope Francis at the granaries Floriana, April 3, 2022)

From the bottom of my heart I wish you all keep living this spirit in your daily lives. For us Augustinian Friars, the coming days will also bring the celebration of the second part of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter 2022 in the Easter Octave. I urge you to remember us and accompany us with your prayers.

 In the meantime, on behalf of the Augustinian friars, I wish you and your families a holy Easter.

fr Leslie Gatt osa

Prior Provincial

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