Closure of the Diocesan Phase of Henry and Inez Casolani’s Beatification Cause

On July 5, 2024 Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta presided over the closing ceremony of the diocesan phase for the beatification causes of the Servants of God, Henry and Inez Casolani at the Parish Church of Saint Augustine in Valletta. The ceremony marked a significant milestone in the journey towards recognizing the sanctity of the Maltese couple. Various ecclesiastical and civil authorities, family members, and numerous faithful who have been inspired by the lives of Henry and Inez Casolani. Their exemplary lives of faith, charity, and service to the community have left a lasting impact on those who knew them and on the wider Catholic community in Malta and beyond.

The couple got married in the same church exactly 80 years ago. In a message delivered by Msgr. Scicluna, the unwavering testimony of the couple, both active members of the Third Order of St. Augustine, was highlighted. Their witness, the archbishop said, is of inspiration to married couples today, who through their everyday lives are called to be witnesses of the love of Christ for the Church.

During the Sessio Ultima of the Tribunal, the collected documents and testimonies from the diocesan inquiry were sealed and will now be sent to the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. The postulator of the cause, Fr. Josef Sciberras OSA, took his oath of office as “portitore”, the one responsible for the transfer of the acts to Rome. The next phase involves than a thorough examination  of this documentation by the Vatican authorities, who will determine whether Henry and Inez Casolani have lived heroic Christian virtues and will then be declared Venerable.

The conclusion of the diocesan phase is a moment of joy and hope for the faithful who have been praying for the recognition of the Casolani’s sanctity. The faithful are encouraged to continue praying for the cause as it progresses through the subsequent stages of the beatification process.

Photos: Archdiocese of Malta

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