Augustinian Secular Fraternity in Malta

It has been the wish of the Augustinian Laity Commission to establish in Malta an Augustinian Secular Fraternity. To this end, a commission was set up to look into this possibility; to formulate a statute and to prepare a programme for the formation of those lay persons interested in forming part of this Fraternity.

Lay Augustinian Fraternities within the Augustinian order comprise Catholics, men and women worldwide, and in the epicentre of the Church. “One heart and one soul in God”, they live their vocation together stemming from their baptism, committed to share their Christian calling for holiness from an Augustinian perspective, with a special bond with the Augustinian Order.

It is worth mentioning here that the Augustinian Order from its early days welcomed a number of lay persons who, whilst still living a normal life in this world, became an integral part of the Order’s mission by drinking from the same source of spirituality based on the lasting principles of the Rule of St. Augustine and of the secular traditions of the Order, in pursuance of its charism of serving the Church.

The principal aim of these Fraternities is that, as brethren, they recognise and live the sacrament of baptism in this world from a perspective of spirituality and an Augustinian tradition. These brethren meet so as to share between themselves their faith and friendship. Faith is a great God-given gift; friendship is the most precious thing that one can give to another. A lay Augustinian Fraternity is set up officially by decree issued by the Prior

General of the Augustinian Order. Thus, members of a Fraternity become an integral part of the Augustinian Family as Tertiary Augustinians or as Lay Augustinians.

With the grace of God there are ten persons who have shown interest in being members of this Fraternity; amongst these three married couples. Therefore, on Monday, 19 October 2020, the eve of the feast of the martyr St. Madelene of Nagasaki, a tertiary Augustinian, the first meeting was held for these lay persons. In view of the precautions necessary due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was decided to hold this meeting online.

Present at this meeting were Prior Provincial Fr Leslie Gatt and the Spiritual Director of the Augustinian Provincial Lay Commission, Fr. Franco Grech. During this meeting, the Provincial spoke about the laity’s role in the Church. Fr. Gatt also said that this Lay Augustinian Fraternity will be at a Provincial level and will not be associated with any particular single community of Augustinian religious. Its base will be the St. Rita convent, St. Julians.

Those lay persons interested in forming part of this Fraternity will be meeting monthly so as to foster together a spirit of fraternity and in their faith and in Augustinian fraternity.

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