An invitation to all – Prayer Vigil in preparation for the Ordinary Provincial Chapter 2022

The Maltese Augustinian Province invites all those who wish to join for a moment of prayer to be held on the eve of the opening of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter 2022. The Ordinary Provincial Chapter is a moment that the Province celebrates every four years and brings about an opportunity to the religious brethren to come together, evaluate the reality of their life and mission, and plan for the future.

In preparation for this event, a moment of prayer will be organized to which, all those who collaborate with the friars in one way or another, or attend Augustinian churches and other realities, are invited. The moment of prayer will be animated by the Secular Augustinian Fraternity and will be presided over by the Assistant to the Prior General of the Order Fr. Javier Perez Barba OSA. It is an occasion for all of us to pray to the Lord to accompany the religious  brethren along this journey at this particular time in the life of the Province.

The Vigil will be held on Monday 14 March, at St. Nicholas of Tolentino Church in Tarxien and will start at 6.30pm (lasts about an hour). At 6pm there will be a mass. The presence of each and every one of you at this time will be greatly appreciated.


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