A new Publication in memory of Cardinal Prospero Grech O.S.A.

A new Publication in memory of Cardinal Prospero Grech O.S.A.

“In Te Domine Speravi” is the title of a book published by the Order of St. Augustine in remembrance of the late Maltese Augustinian H. Emm. Mons. Prospero Grech who went to meet the Lord on December 30, 2019 at the venerable age of 94. The title of the book is in fact taken from the motto that the same cardinal chose when he was ordained a bishop in St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta.

In the last years of Cardinal Prospero Grech’s life, there were several attempts with the Cardinal himself to write his biography. Meanwhile, the Italian writer, Mr. Ivan Marsura, had recorded some interviews with him with the intention of serving as memoirs and maybe material for a possible biography in the future. Unfortunately the sudden death of the Cardinal stopped this project. However, Mr Ivan Marsura continued to work on the texts of the interviews he had conducted and the collection of other material, in particular photographic material, which had been entrusted to him by the Augustinian Community of Santa Monica and the Augustinian General Curia in Rome.

All this was compiled into a wonderful 230 page publication published by the Antiga Edizioni publishing house in collaboration with the Augustinian Order. The publication contains not only transcriptions from Mr. Ivan Marsura’s interviews, but also a number of texts by various people who wrote about him, including the text of the funeral homily by H.E. Monsignor Charles Scicluna, and experiences of His. Emm. Cardinal Mario Grech and Augustinian Provincial Fr. Leslie Gatt O.S.A. The book also contains a large number of color photographs, both of various episodes from his life, but also photographs taken by the same Cardinal who, as we all know, had a great passion for photography.

The book, which is in the Italian language, will now be on sale in Malta for €25 and can be obtained from Emmaus Bookshop, Preca Library, Millennium Chapel Bookshop and the Augustinian Province of Malta.

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