Pasta night at ‘Ta Soldi’ in aid of Augustinian Missions

As is the case every year, the secretariat for Augustinian Missions makes preparations for a group of youths to participate in a missionary experience in Africa. Funds are always necessary for carrying out certain projects for our brethren in need. This year’s group is already well on the way of raising the funds that are considered necessary.

At Christmastime a sale of ‘Christmas Logs’ was organised. This past Friday a ‘Pasta Night’, at which 116 were present, was held at a restaurant.

This was a very pleasant occasion. A good number helped make this fund-raising activity a success. A lottery was also held during the pasta night. By this means I wish to thank all those who helped us by donating the lottery prizes. Anybody wishing to help by donating anything that could be included in prizes at raffles or other activities that may be organised in future is kindly requested to contact Fr. Mario Abela at [email protected].

Another activity that the group AMIGOS will be organising over the coming week-ends is the sale of figolli in various churches. Details regarding the localities concerned can be found on the Facebook page

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