The 20th anniversary of the opening of the Millennium Chapel

On Tuesday 8 December we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Millennium Chapel

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we were unable to celebrate this event in a way that befitted the occasion. However, with God’s help we managed to have the thanksgiving Mass broadcast on the Facebook page of the Millennium Chapel so that those who wished to be present, and were unable to do so, could join us. During this Mass we remembered also those who died in tragic circumstances during this year as well as in past years.

During the Mass, God was thanked for so much good that emanated from the Chapel during the past 20 years not only from a spiritual point of view but also from a social aspect through WOW that was built four year later. We also thanked God for all those who, is some way or other, helped to make possible the Chapel project, and for all benefactors and many volunteers who, over the years, kindly offered their time for others.

Many are the individuals and families who found, and still find, help and succour at the Chapel, by way of counselling that is given, as well as through foodstuffs that are distributed monthly to needy families. N.A. and A.A. support groups also find solace in this complex as they have regular meetings at The Word Meditation garden that was inaugurated two years ago. Moreover, every year students from  various secondary schools attend ‘WOW Xperience’ half-day seminars that emphasise the beauty of life.

Mass was celebrated by Fr. Hilary, Founder of the Millennium Chapel. The Archbishop’s Delegate for Djakonija, Mgr. Charles Cordina together with the Paceville Community Prior, Fr. Franco Grech, concelebrated. Caritas also participated actively in this Mass. Soprano Ruth Casingena and singer Ivan Grech added to the beauty of this celebration through their lovely singing, accompanied by Mario Balzan Demajo on the organ.

After Mass, by the olive tree known as ‘Tree of Life’ near the entrance to the Chapel, prayers were said for the souls of all those who lost their lives under tragic circumstances and for the needs of their families. This was followed by tethering on the tree heart shaped signs with the names of those concerned so that the memory of these loved ones will always remain alive in our prayers, in mind and in our hearts.bna.

Doreen Vassallo Grant

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