Terence Spiteri

  1. When and where were you born?

I was born on 17 July 1987 and bred at Fleur-de-Lys together with two siblings. Although this is a small village I recall that I was very active in the parish.

  1. Which schools did you attend (primary, secondary, post-secondary)?

St. Augustine College for both primary and secondary, and then I continued my studies at the Junior College, Msida and at the University of Malta to pursue my degree in Sacred Theology. In 2012 I continued specialization in Biblical Theology at the Gregorian University, Rome for three years.

  1. When did you feel the call for an Augustinian life and what prompted you to follow this?

I rememeber that when I was in my last year of secondary education at the Augustinian College I was once invited to attend some activities that were organised for adolescents and I decided to attend. After some time, I formed part of this group and I was approached by an Augustinian friar who asked me to be a leader of  another goup of youths. From that day, and also because of the confidence shown in me by this friar, I started taking seriously this call and from then onwards I participated in various vocational activities which I always looked forward to.

Shortly thereafter I started a trial period of convent life whilst, at the same time, leading a normal life. What struck me most was the community spirit amongst the friars who used to join us in these activities and I felt that this experience of togetherness could well be my life by devoting the rest of this to evangelising Christ in accordance with the Augustinian way of life.

  1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

What I like most is running. That is a time when I do a lot of thinking and many ideas come to my mind – the mind seems to tick along by itself whilst I am running!  The plants in the garden help me to keep in touch with nature and I enjoy taking care of them although I don’t always find the time for this! In summer I enjoy a lot of swimming.

Recently I started another hobby– making designs in wood by burning the wood (Pyrography). I like reading and playing the piano but I don’t sing!

  1. Can you tell us which interesting book you have read recently? What was it about?

An interesting book I read recently is entitled ‘Man’s Search for meaning’ by Victor Frankl. This concerns the importance of hope in life even when life becomes difficult.

  1. Do you have a favourite quote or saying?

A quote close to my heart and which I try to live daily is: “It is no longer I but Christ who lives in me”(Gal 2,20). Although it is not easy to live this quote daily, I try to ensure that all that I do is coming from Christ and not to showoff myself.

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