minn P. Hilary Tagliaferro osa
Il-Papa Franġisku fetaħ is-sena tal-Ħniena fit-8 ta’ Diċembru 2015, fl-istess ġurnata li l-Millennium Chapel kienet qed tfakkar il-15-il sena mit-twaqqif tagħha. Bħala Agostinjani, li din
Reflections and Articles written by Fr Hilary Tagliaferro osa
minn P. Hilary Tagliaferro osa
Il-Papa Franġisku fetaħ is-sena tal-Ħniena fit-8 ta’ Diċembru 2015, fl-istess ġurnata li l-Millennium Chapel kienet qed tfakkar il-15-il sena mit-twaqqif tagħha. Bħala Agostinjani, li din
I miss you all
Dear All ,
I ‘ m thinking of you all to day- first Friday of the Month when we adore and pray together the Taize’ adoration and afterwards we go out and share together a meal at a nearby restaurant. We should have been in Gozo now for the annual Live in!!
I miss all Welcomers who regularly come to sit at the desk and help all who come with grace and gentleness. I miss all members of NA, AA and other groups who regularly meet at the Chapel.
I miss the students who come from all Schools- those young beautiful faces who come for the WOW Xperience and make feel young again!
I miss the Saturday evening mass and familiar faces. I miss particularly the 11.30 with all the congregaation singing “Here I am Lord” and the rest of the Mass and the shaking of hands at the door of the Church after Mass. I miss it all as I miss my football!!
The only thing, and I am proud of it, we kept going is the food we are distributing to needy families, as they need it now more than ever. Thank you Ivana, Catherine and David and who else is working on it.
Now we all appreciate the value of friendship and community spirit. We all miss it and hope it will soon come back and revive it even stronger after we have learnt so many lessons from this virus!!
I appeal to you to keep yourself busy as I am trying to do :
Beauty saves the world!!
Keep Safe!
God Bless You