Augustinian Saints

Saint John Stone – 25th October

St. John Stone was a religious who chose to remain truthful to Peter although faced by a real danger to his life. John was a religious of the English Augustinian Province. He lived during turbulent times in which Catholics โ€“ after the Catholic faith was abandoned by Henry VIII on the establishment of the Anglican church in 1534 โ€“ it was not easy to retain full faith with Peterโ€™s successor. […]

Saint John Stone – 25th October

All the Saints of the Order – 13th November

ย  Along with the entire Augustinian family we celebarte the feast of all our Augustinian brethren who entered the joy of their Creator and are enjoying the Lordโ€™s gaze full of love. Whilst we remember all our Saints, we praise God for His greatness. Male and female religious, bishops, priests, lay persons, all bound together by love, and who, under the paronage of St. Augustine, reached the glory of the

All the Saints of the Order – 13th November Read More ยป

Saint John of Sahagun – 12th June

There are some individuals of selfless heart who find little satisfaction in life unless they give of themselves continually and without reservation. Saint John was one such person who repeatedly divested himself of honors and privileges in order to gain the inheritance of eternal happiness. In doing so, he enriched the lives of others by his word and example as well. John Gonzรกlez was born in 1430 of a well-to-do

Saint John of Sahagun – 12th June

Saint Alypius – 16th May

Our celebration today honors the memory of two saints who were intimate friends of Saint Augustine and members of his religious community. Like him they were also called to ministry as bishops in North Africa and served the Church well especially in helping to reveal the fallacies of unorthodox teachings at the time. Their love for religious life according to the inspiration of Augustine helped to spread its influence in

Saint Alypius – 16th May

Saint Possidius – 16th May

Our celebration today honors the memory of two saints who were intimate friends of Saint Augustine and members of his religious community. Like him they were also called to ministry as bishops in North Africa and served the Church well especially in helping to reveal the fallacies of unorthodox teachings at the time. Their love for religious life according to the inspiration of Augustine helped to spread its influence in

Saint Possidius – 16th May

Our Mother of Good Counsel – 26th April

We honor Mary in the Church under many titles. Today’s celebration is one particularly dear to Augustinians throughout the world. The tender image of mother and child is at one and the same time so very human and so illustrative of a deep spiritual truth. Mary, mother of her infant son, is also his first and most faithful disciple. He who is her Lord embraces her affectionately as she, his

Our Mother of Good Counsel – 26th April Read More ยป

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